MISSION: TOM (ladies only!)

so ive been making HUGE positive strides toward recovering from an eating disorder. i have been eating more balanced foods (thank you all for the support!!) and NO longer eat below 1200 calories. in fact, i usually eat about 1700/1800 on an average day (so much better and easier on my body, ive come to realize!) and exercise about 200/300 off a day. the thing is, i have not had my special TOM in quite some time...i think its been 5 months. i have seen and talked to a doctor about this and she basically told me to stop exercising and wait for some muscle to turn to fat (which sounds...unappealing but i will cut back on strenuous exercises).

MY question is, what kind of FOOD should i be focusing on? how much of these foods? do i really have to lose muscle mass to get my TOM? should i be gaining more weight? (i dont have a scale at my house and the last time i weighed myself was 3 weeks ago.. in that time i have been eating ravenously!) if anyone has any information out there on this, please let me know.


  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I'm no expert but that seems silly to me!

    What she means (I think) is that you need to have more fat on you in order to be at the weight that tells your body that all is well, you are not starving, and it is safe to bring offspring into the world (I love human evolution!).

    So when she says don't work out, she is really just trying to get you to have less calories lost through exercise.

    I say keep doing the exercise, but eat more to compensate. :)

    As to what foods, I would say any and all of them. Keep your diet balanced, and your TOM will follow.
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    Maybe Iron rich foods? I know some women have to take iron supplements for their TOM or their body gets too weak to handle periods. Hope that helps!!
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    From what I understand, your body won't let you reproduce until you have energy supplies, that means some fat. It's why overweight girls are more likely to hit puberty early. I shouldn't think you had to actually lose muscle to do it, just acquire a small bit of padding. I understand that may be a bit disconcerting, especially as it tends to go on in places you don't want (tummy) instead of where you might want it (boobs!).
  • CelenaOlson
    I say, just enjoy not getting your period! And if/when you want to reproduce, fatten up a little! I know lots of fit ladies who rarely get their period!
  • Michelle9939
    Instead of cutting out exercise completely, just cut down on your exercise maybe. And just have a healthy balanced diet. Good luck on getting your TOM.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I think that doctor is full of *kitten*.

    muscle does not turn to fat. Yes you need to gain some fat and continue to eat. But lose muscle? No.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    You need some more fat in you! Eat more calories.
  • hopelyss
    hopelyss Posts: 145
    Basically, your body needs some fat. This is how the hormones for our menstrual cycle are regulated. When you go below a certain BF% your period stops, which is what you are experiencing. Here is a pretty good article, but it does have a lot of technical jargon: http://www.thinkmuscle.com/articles/volk/menstrual-cycle.htm.

    As far as diet for you to go by. I think you're doing pretty good with the 1700-1800 calories, but you probably could go higher (above 2000) because you are trying to gain weight. I would not suggest low fat foods though (the diet versions). Don't go eat fast food or junk food constantly. Try for healthy fats (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/fat/NU00262), but you do want it balanced with your carbs and proteins.

    You probably don't have to quit exercising, but try for light cardio and no weight training. Hope this helps!!!

    I'm not an expert by any means. Just a couple of biology degrees. What I know is from health classes I've been in.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I'm interested in responses, too. <3
  • jd338
    jd338 Posts: 14
    This is actually a great question.......Estrogen is a hormone, and hormones need fat to function properly, there is a certain percentage of body fat you need to have your hormones working properly, and have your TOM, that is what she is saying....in men, when they get below a certain percentage of body fat, their testosterone levels go down and they loose sex drive etc....
    It is actually really important for normal bone densities and heart health to have regular menses....so to prevent osteoporosis, heart disease, and other miseries as you age, it is best if you can work toward this goal. Does this make sense?
    By getting healthier you are improving estrogen levels as well as other hormones in your body such as thyroid and stress hormones.....
    Good for you, keep up the good work...you will get there!!

  • fyfi_fendir
    fyfi_fendir Posts: 64 Member
    Well set up your goals on MFP to gain about a pound a week until BMI around 20-22, adjust exercise and eating accordingly. Some supermarket have a balance for you to weight yourself. I would us that if you don't have one. If you have a balanced diet, I wouldn't change that. Decrease exercise to 200 cal max and just give it time. You mentioned you struggle with eating disorder? Just give your body time to adjust to the new you. Good luck
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member

    You probably don't have to quit exercising, but try for light cardio and no weight training. Hope this helps!!!

    No lifting? Terrible idea. Weight lifting is AMAZING for you. Up the calories and you will be successful
  • pandabuhr79
    avocados, olive oil, olives, nuts, peanut butter, salmon i believe are some healthy fats :) i don't know if pasta is a 'healthy' fat, but it's not as bad as pizza and it for sure packs on the lbs for me. it's also supposed to be good for energy :)
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    In order to get your period, you need more fat. I'm with the others that suggest you up your calories with healthy foods. Try for nutrient and calorie dense foods like nuts and avocados.

    If you're doing a healthy, not excessive, level of exercise then I see no need for you to stop. If you're killing yourself at the gym you might could back off a bit to give your body a chance to make some of the needed fat stores.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    I have a (6+ year) history of eating disorders as well. When I was thinner (5'6" and 89lbs at my lowest) I lost my period. I would go for about 9 months at a time without it, then have it once and go another 9 months without it again.
    The doctor said something about needing at least 7% bodyfat to menstruate.
    So yes -- you don't have to lose muscle mass, but you do have to gain a bit of fat. In terms of things you should be eating, remember that fats are essential for hormones. Start consuming plenty of healthy fats (avocado, raw nuts, olive oil, seeds, etc) and make sure you also are getting enough calcium and iron.