Diet and Medication Question

PineAndSalt Posts: 22 Member
edited April 2019 in Food and Nutrition
Hi all. I’m looking for some general advice on trying to feel fuller for longer. I have gallbladder issues, basically it doesn’t function properly and causes me a hours of pain when I eat certain things, even though I have no gallstones. Due to my young age, my physician is against surgery for now. I was prescribed a medication last month to act as a muscle relaxant for it, which has worked, but one side effect is weight gain. Since starting it, I have noticed that I am more hungry than normal, and have gained a couple of pounds. Even as I sit here writing this at 11pm I feel somewhat hungry after my 700+ calorie dinner a few hours ago, which included a large chicken breast (skinless), salad w/ fat free dressing, and Danon fat free yogurt cup and fresh strawberries for desert. I shouldn’t be hungry!
Any suggestions on low-calorie, filling foods as I venture forth? The challenge he here is that due to my gallbladder I really can’t eat a lot of fats, even with the meds (basically ZERO saturated fats and limited unsats).
Would love any and all suggestions. ❤️


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Consider a 550-calorie dinner and a 150-snack before bed.
    Foods with fiber can help you feel full.
    Enjoy fresh, steamed, boiled, or baked fruits and vegetables.
    Consider adding lemon juice or herbs to your dishes.
    Create fruit-based dishes, choosing fresh or frozen fruits such as pineapple, cherries and melon.
    Consider beans, lentils, and chickpeas instead of meat.
  • wendyheath32
    wendyheath32 Posts: 74 Member
    Beans legumes and tofu. Lots of fruits and veg and grains potatoes. Use lots of herbs and spices in your cooking to. Also loads on YouTube on how to cook oil free. I have a gall bladder issue and have to stay away from fats at times. But the above is basically my diet any way
  • PineAndSalt
    PineAndSalt Posts: 22 Member
    I’ll try to incorporate that stuff more, thank you!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,066 Member
    Air popped popcorn and/or popcorn kernels you put in a paper bag and microwave. Lots of flavor, fiber, no fat.

    I would definitely try to get the most amount of fat you're allowed to have, though. Fat is necessary. A little olive oil at each meal should be okay?