Gym Scale

Sooo I have been weighing myself at my gym for the past few months one of those slidey ones and the first 2 weeks ( i weigh myself once a week) I had gone down but then i started to go back up and i figured it was just TOM. Well the week before and after I gained then stepped on last week ( 2 weeks later) and had dropped down 7lbs in a week. SOooo this week i stepped on and apparently since last friday i have gained 7lbs. i'm not sure if i'm just retaining a lot of water or what's happening but it's frustrating and upsetting to see a gain :( Could the scale possibly be wonky because its in a public place?



  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I think that it's possible, I guess it would depend on how often it's calibrated and how well it is taken care of. I just use my home scale, it has a dial to adjust it to zero, so I think it's pretty accurate, those seem like big weight swings in a short time.
  • My scale is showing an increase in the past 3 days, not LOTS but enough to make me feel a bit discouraged to maintain under calories and still see an increase.

    I'd bring a weight back and make sure someone or their kids didn't mess around with the calibration on it. If it's off i'd tell management. 7lbs is a lot to fluctuate within 1 week.
  • Unless there is a reason you can't have a scale in your home I would do that. There is no telling how often they set that, and how accurate it is.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    there could be a lot of factors like what time of the day it is or how much water you drank. Best time is buck naked in the a.m.
  • there could be a lot of factors like what time of the day it is or how much water you drank. Best time is buck naked in the a.m.

    LMAO! Very very true.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I've never trusted Gym scales. I'm with the others, have a scale at home. Sooo many varients when you use the scale at the gym. And don't get discouraged!!!! Don't forget muscle weighs more then fat. If your clothes are still fittin the same or even loser then your definately NOT gaining weight!! Hang in there girl, your doin just fine!!!:happy:
  • thanks I'll hang in there, just seemed weird that it was going down and up and down and up by 5-7lbs each week. guesss i'll just save up the bucks for a scale at home to be sure!
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    Get digital scale so you can see the .07 .06 to be motivated. Just put it in a closet and set a date to weigh

    Also something to consider is Sodium.... If you do not have sodium listed to track on your food diary, add it.

    I have always been a big salt fan. Using one of those disposable grinders with sea salt. Telling myself that sea salt was okay.

    I started watching my sodium a week ago after reading something on MFP last week about retaining water and how sodium can increase your retention by 2-3 pounds. I added the sodium last week and was amazed how much sodium I was taking in not including my salt shaker!

    I have lost 1.6 pounds in a week and I honestly think it was water retention. Plus digital scale lets you see the little achievements.

    You are doing great! Keep up the great work!
    I feel better knowing I have lost 1.6 pounds verses 1 pound.

    Also get someone to take your measurement's or try on a piece of clothing that was tight and see if there is any difference.
  • ya i def track sodium! its amazing how quickly it can get out of hand! im not 100% amazing at being under but i know its terrible and hides in everything.... baby steps.