Binge confession

I’ve been struggling with binge eating for the last 6 months. I binge usually 1-2 times per week ( usually weekends) and stay fairly at or below maintenance most other days . I do not log my binges in MFP because I do not want to know the reality but I think I need to confess. I figure is I post to the world all the binge food I eat there will more accountability. I’m coming off a 3 day over eat/binge sesh and it’s time to confess.

English Muffin, 1/4 avacado, fried egg, mozzarella slice.
Lunch: 1/2 medium Italian sub on everything bread, bbq chip bag, Cajun trail mix (3/4 cup), 3 yogurt covered pretzels, 3 small pieces of chocolate, 2 chocolate and almond butter cups and 2 cups low cal popcorn (250 calories), PB & J sandwich (w. 2 tbsp of natural PB)
Dinner: 4 slices of pizza (speciality pepperoni), half plate of spaghetti 1 meatball, shared dessert with BF of apple pie and scoop of vanilla gelato.

English muffin, 1/4 avacado, egg, banana & TBSP peanut butter
Lunch: 1/2 medium Italian sub on everything bread + 2 cups low cal popcorn, 2 kind bars (chocolate and nuts), PB & J plus one extra spoon of PB , 3 yogurt coverd pretzels, 10 small pieces of dark chocolate, 3 small pieces of milk chocolate, pint vanilla HALO top, 3/4 cup of plain yogurt with berries and 2 Tbsp of granola.
English muffin + 1/2 avacado
Lunch: 3/4 cup quinoa, 1 cup roasted veggies + 3 baby potatoes, 1 chicken thigh, Greek yogurt.
Snack: banana and Tbsp peanut butter
Dinner: Leftover spaghetti and 1 meatball and I cup broccoli
Binge sesh: 3 cups low cal popcorn, 1 pint HALO top cookie dough flavor, 1 spoonful of gelato, 3 pistachios, 1 kind bar, 1 handful of mini chocolate chips, spoonful of PB, mozzarella string cheese. I’m sitting here at 4am...almost 8 hours post binge and I’m starving.


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited April 2019
    i wonder if you are miscalculating your maintenance calories and under eating leading to binging.

    what are your stats (height and weight) and how much are you eating on maintenance days? how much do you walk in a day or exercise?

    do you have lots of no go foods leading to deprevation on those days?
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    You need to log the binge sesh. There's no reason to deny yourself some of the foods you love. I usually have a dessert or a glass or two of wine every day, but it's within my calorie allowance. I'm just no good with deprivation! But if you are feeling guilt or shamed, you might consider asking your doctor for a referral to a professional to help you figure out whatever the emotional component of these binges are so you can stop doing them.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    Hah, you call that a binge?

    Try 2 Cadbury's Creme Eggs, a slice of fruit loaf, a mini cupcake, 600 ml of different flavours of ice cream, 40g of macadamia nuts, 3 cereal bars, 75g of chocolate, 6 slices of buttered toast and assorted other bits and pieces totalling 3,700 over my calorie goal...

    ...yeah, no, this is not a competition and I wish I weren't 'winning' it :) But you're not alone, there are plenty of us here who can empathise.

    ^^^ This. Not that OP didn't binge, but man oh man, I can really relate to @ceiswyn on this rundown. :o
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Log your binge. Think about why you binge. Reevaluate your food choices during the week. I still eat whatever the heck I want, just less of it.
  • asliceofjackie
    asliceofjackie Posts: 112 Member
    I haven't binged in a while, but for me it was all mental. Since I was diagnosed with BED I didn't change my eating habits in general (other than not bingeing), but I worked hard on my mental situation and trying to determine why I binged in the first place. I haven't gotten to a place where I've figured it all out, but at least I've been able to keep the binges away for quite awhile now.

    A lot of people forget that binge eating actually can be a real eating disorder and should then be treated as such. Not just by myself switching my calories/macros around, but with proper help and therapy. I recommend you talk to someone and take it from there. At the very least it won't hurt you to have talked to a therapist.

    Good luck!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited April 2019
    I haven't binged in a while, but for me it was all mental. Since I was diagnosed with BED I didn't change my eating habits in general (other than not bingeing), but I worked hard on my mental situation and trying to determine why I binged in the first place. I haven't gotten to a place where I've figured it all out, but at least I've been able to keep the binges away for quite awhile now.

    A lot of people forget that binge eating actually can be a real eating disorder and should then be treated as such. Not just by myself switching my calories/macros around, but with proper help and therapy. I recommend you talk to someone and take it from there. At the very least it won't hurt you to have talked to a therapist.

    Good luck!

    Absolutely true, once you first mitigate the physical inducement of binges through excess restriction.

    If nothing else, it's an "easy" first step while recruiting other resources.

    1200 is not a universal answer.

    Look at your TDEE. If your caloric restriction is exceeding 20% of TDEE (25% while obese)... the probability of issues increases.

    For myself even that got to be too much. Now I don't restrict more than 16% at a time.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
  • aessom15
    aessom15 Posts: 9 Member
    ltoaa1 wrote: »
    What would you say to be the cause of your binge episodes? Anxiety, extreme hunger, restricting?
    aessom15 wrote: » I’m sitting here at 4am...almost 8 hours post binge and I’m starving.

    From this statement, I would you say that you are in the old classic binge and restrict cycle. What this means is you are restricting yourself from calories or foods that you love throughtout the entire week, and when the weekend comes, you loose your *kitten* and decide having it all because you know that when it's monday, you won't be having it again.

    Yes you are very right. I’ve acknowledged that this is the case. I’m not dealing with any unbearable amount of stress in my life so it’s not usually that. My binges are a result of the restrictive eating. I’ve tried to tell myself to eat at maintenance but every time I mess up I go overboard and then I restrict again out of desperation to save calories that I lost during a binge. :neutral: I’m stuck in an unhealthy mindset of eat healthy mon-fri and have leeway on the weekend but I always go overboard.

    I know it'll be hard but if you could, admit your problem to your mom or dad, and together, seek for professional help. If you don't believe that you can do it, look up on youtube. There are plenty of videos and youtubers with lots of information, tips, etc, but pick your sources.

    Good luck, and know that you are not alone, you are not the problem, it's okay and you'll get better!

    Thank for the kind words. I know I’m stronger then this and I will overcome it! One day at a time! Even if I have bad days I know I’ll make progress.
    ltoaa1 wrote: »
    What would you say to be the cause of your binge episodes? Anxiety, extreme hunger, restricting?
    aessom15 wrote: » I’m sitting here at 4am...almost 8 hours post binge and I’m starving.

    From this statement, I would you say that you are in the old classic binge and restrict cycle. What this means is you are restricting yourself from calories or foods that you love throughtout the entire week, and when the weekend comes, you loose your *kitten* and decide having it all because you know that when it's monday, you won't be having it again.

    I know it'll be hard but if you could, admit your problem to your mom or dad, and together, seek for professional help. If you don't believe that you can do it, look up on youtube. There are plenty of videos and youtubers with lots of information, tips, etc, but pick your sources.

    Good luck, and know that you are not alone, you are not the problem, it's okay and you'll get better!
    ltoaa1 wrote: »
    What would you say to be the cause of your binge episodes? Anxiety, extreme hunger, restricting?
    aessom15 wrote: » I’m sitting here at 4am...almost 8 hours post binge and I’m starving.

    From this statement, I would you say that you are in the old classic binge and restrict cycle. What this means is you are restricting yourself from calories or foods that you love throughtout the entire week, and when the weekend comes, you loose your *kitten* and decide having it all because you know that when it's monday, you won't be having it again.

    I know it'll be hard but if you could, admit your problem to your mom or dad, and together, seek for professional help. If you don't believe that you can do it, look up on youtube. There are plenty of videos and youtubers with lots of information, tips, etc, but pick your sources.

    Good luck, and know that you are not alone, you are not the problem, it's okay and you'll get better!
    ltoaa1 wrote: »
    What would you say to be the cause of your binge episodes? Anxiety, extreme hunger, restricting?
    aessom15 wrote: » I’m sitting here at 4am...almost 8 hours post binge and I’m starving.

    From this statement, I would you say that you are in the old classic binge and restrict cycle. What this means is you are restricting yourself from calories or foods that you love throughtout the entire week, and when the weekend comes, you loose your *kitten* and decide having it all because you know that when it's monday, you won't be having it again.

    I know it'll be hard but if you could, admit your problem to your mom or dad, and together, seek for professional help. If you don't believe that you can do it, look up on youtube. There are plenty of videos and youtubers with lots of information, tips, etc, but pick your sources.

    Good luck, and know that you are not alone, you are not the problem, it's okay and you'll get better!

  • aessom15
    aessom15 Posts: 9 Member
    Panini911 wrote: »
    i wonder if you are miscalculating your maintenance calories and under eating leading to binging.

    what are your stats (height and weight) and how much are you eating on maintenance days? how much do you walk in a day or exercise?

    do you have lots of no go foods leading to deprevation on those days?
    Panini911 wrote: »
    i wonder if you are miscalculating your maintenance calories and under eating leading to binging.

    what are your stats (height and weight) and how much are you eating on maintenance days? how much do you walk in a day or exercise?

    do you have lots of no go foods leading to deprevation on those days?
    Panini911 wrote: »
    i wonder if you are miscalculating your maintenance calories and under eating leading to binging.

    what are your stats (height and weight) and how much are you eating on maintenance days? how much do you walk in a day or exercise?

    do you have lots of no go foods leading to deprevation on those days?
    Panini911 wrote: »
    i wonder if you are miscalculating your maintenance calories and under eating leading to binging.

    what are your stats (height and weight) and how much are you eating on maintenance days? how much do you walk in a day or exercise?

    do you have lots of no go foods leading to deprevation on those days?

    I’m 25-128lbs- 5”3 female. 1 hour of moderate-intense workout 5-6 days per week. My mind is stuck on eating less is better. I eat below maintenance most days hoping to gain some extra calories on the weekends but it never work out the way I planned.
  • aessom15
    aessom15 Posts: 9 Member
    sarabushby wrote: »
    If you can bring yourself to retrospectively log these foods in your diary (since you’ve already got them written down) it will be helpful to you in the long run. You'll be able to see more accurately your week’s calorie daily average and you’ll become more aware of the calories in what you binge on.

    Sometimes I’ve been known to take a few days before I’m ready to log all that I consumed during a heavy session. But I still do it as I know it’s helpful and it means my data is accurate so that when I look back at weight trends etc then I know why I didn’t lose or even gained at one time or another. Go on, you can do it! :-D

    To address the binge eating itself, as others above have said, kindly let us know your stats, your goals and what you’re eating on ‘normal days’.
    sarabushby wrote: »
    If you can bring yourself to retrospectively log these foods in your diary (since you’ve already got them written down) it will be helpful to you in the long run. You'll be able to see more accurately your week’s calorie daily average and you’ll become more aware of the calories in what you binge on.

    Sometimes I’ve been known to take a few days before I’m ready to log all that I consumed during a heavy session. But I still do it as I know it’s helpful and it means my data is accurate so that when I look back at weight trends etc then I know why I didn’t lose or even gained at one time or another. Go on, you can do it! :-D

    To address the binge eating itself, as others above have said, kindly let us know your stats, your goals and what you’re eating on ‘normal days’.
    sarabushby wrote: »
    If you can bring yourself to retrospectively log these foods in your diary (since you’ve already got them written down) it will be helpful to you in the long run. You'll be able to see more accurately your week’s calorie daily average and you’ll become more aware of the calories in what you binge on.

    Sometimes I’ve been known to take a few days before I’m ready to log all that I consumed during a heavy session. But I still do it as I know it’s helpful and it means my data is accurate so that when I look back at weight trends etc then I know why I didn’t lose or even gained at one time or another. Go on, you can do it! :-D

    To address the binge eating itself, as others above have said, kindly let us know your stats, your goals and what you’re eating on ‘normal days’.
    sarabushby wrote: »
    If you can bring yourself to retrospectively log these foods in your diary (since you’ve already got them written down) it will be helpful to you in the long run. You'll be able to see more accurately your week’s calorie daily average and you’ll become more aware of the calories in what you binge on.

    Sometimes I’ve been known to take a few days before I’m ready to log all that I consumed during a heavy session. But I still do it as I know it’s helpful and it means my data is accurate so that when I look back at weight trends etc then I know why I didn’t lose or even gained at one time or another. Go on, you can do it! :-D

    To address the binge eating itself, as others above have said, kindly let us know your stats, your goals and what you’re eating on ‘normal days’.
    sarabushby wrote: »
    If you can bring yourself to retrospectively log these foods in your diary (since you’ve already got them written down) it will be helpful to you in the long run. You'll be able to see more accurately your week’s calorie daily average and you’ll become more aware of the calories in what you binge on.

    Sometimes I’ve been known to take a few days before I’m ready to log all that I consumed during a heavy session. But I still do it as I know it’s helpful and it means my data is accurate so that when I look back at weight trends etc then I know why I didn’t lose or even gained at one time or another. Go on, you can do it! :-D

    To address the binge eating itself, as others above have said, kindly let us know your stats, your goals and what you’re eating on ‘normal days’.
    sarabushby wrote: »
    If you can bring yourself to retrospectively log these foods in your diary (since you’ve already got them written down) it will be helpful to you in the long run. You'll be able to see more accurately your week’s calorie daily average and you’ll become more aware of the calories in what you binge on.

    Sometimes I’ve been known to take a few days before I’m ready to log all that I consumed during a heavy session. But I still do it as I know it’s helpful and it means my data is accurate so that when I look back at weight trends etc then I know why I didn’t lose or even gained at one time or another. Go on, you can do it! :-D

    To address the binge eating itself, as others above have said, kindly let us know your stats, your goals and what you’re eating on ‘normal days’.

    I didn’t think logging the binges would help me. I thought it would just make me feel bad about myself, but I’m going to try this if I binge again. It’s worth a try!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited April 2019
    It potentially would help if you then calculate your actual total calories per week And then spread them more equally throughout the week. And see if this reduces your propensity to binge.
  • aessom15
    aessom15 Posts: 9 Member
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.
    I noticed as soon as I told myself nothing was off limits and ate more on a day to day basis very near my maintenance, my binges basically disappeared. Just now I had a big afternoon snack, and weeks ago that would have freaked me out and I'd have said 'screw it' and binged on everythinggggg.

    But now with all the data I can just see I didn't eat enough in the day and that's why I had 800 calories at 5 pm. It was a small pot of leftover noodles, veg, and veggie sausage. 3 spicy tofu sticks. 4 caramel rice cakes, one with a bit of peanut butter. I waited 20 minutes after that, and was physically still hungry. So I ate some cheese oat cakes. Now I don't feel the need to eat anything else for a bit.

    I still have 700 calories left for the day so I'll have a lighter dinner and maybe a wee evening snack. Still going to be at maintenance or a little under. I won't gain as a result of any of this. Also, I ended up being in a 700 calorie deficit yesterday (came home late and was too lazy to eat anything), so part of it is my body being like 'between yesterday and today you are restricting too much, feed me plz.' So I did, and I feel quite calm about it all.

    A trick I have is if I know I'd feel bad logging so much into one meal section of my diary is I move some of it to another bit (e.g. I logged half of my afternoon snack food into my morning snack food), even though obviously I didn't eat it then. It's a silly little thing but it makes me feel more balanced.

    I love this approach! It’s an approach I’ve known I should take for a long time. I will have to make myself do this. I need to eat at maintenance every single day even if I happen to binge one day. It’s hard for me to tell myself that I can eat 2000 calories per day and not gain, but since I’m so active this honestly might still be a deficit for me. I have to realize that once my obsession stops I will naturally eat more/less some days, but not to such extremes as I do now.

    Thank you for sharing with me. I like to hear specific examples and experiences from others.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    Yep, I discovered my maintenance is about 2100-2200 to maintain. So some days I go up to 2500 (ended up doing that today), but yesterday I was at 1700, so it evens out. I usually end up at around 2000 then eat slightly more on Sat/Sunday. I've maintained my weight the last few months. My diary is viewable to friends, so you can add if you want to see my sometimes odd days of eating.
  • aessom15
    aessom15 Posts: 9 Member
    Yep, I discovered my maintenance is about 2100-2200 to maintain. So some days I go up to 2500 (ended up doing that today), but yesterday I was at 1700, so it evens out. I usually end up at around 2000 then eat slightly more on Sat/Sunday. I've maintained my weight the last few months. My diary is viewable to friends, so you can add if you want to see my sometimes odd days of eating.

    Thanks so much! I try to remember its not purely a numbers game and there are more factors to weight gain and loss then calories eaten. I tried so hard to control this aspect for so long it drove me mad. When my binges first started 1-2 per month for a few months with occasional overeating on the weekends I didn’t gain anything at all which just allowed my behavior to continue and worsen until I finally started seeing the lbs go up. 😱

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited April 2019
    aessom15 wrote: »
    I’ve been struggling with binge eating for the last 6 months. I binge usually 1-2 times per week ( usually weekends) and stay fairly at or below maintenance most other days . I do not log my binges in MFP because I do not want to know the reality but I think I need to confess. I figure is I post to the world all the binge food I eat there will more accountability. I’m coming off a 3 day over eat/binge sesh and it’s time to confess.

    English Muffin, 1/4 avacado, fried egg, mozzarella slice.
    Lunch: 1/2 medium Italian sub on everything bread, bbq chip bag, Cajun trail mix (3/4 cup), 3 yogurt covered pretzels, 3 small pieces of chocolate, 2 chocolate and almond butter cups and 2 cups low cal popcorn (250 calories), PB & J sandwich (w. 2 tbsp of natural PB)
    Dinner: 4 slices of pizza (speciality pepperoni), half plate of spaghetti 1 meatball, shared dessert with BF of apple pie and scoop of vanilla gelato.

    English muffin, 1/4 avacado, egg, banana & TBSP peanut butter
    Lunch: 1/2 medium Italian sub on everything bread + 2 cups low cal popcorn, 2 kind bars (chocolate and nuts), PB & J plus one extra spoon of PB , 3 yogurt coverd pretzels, 10 small pieces of dark chocolate, 3 small pieces of milk chocolate, pint vanilla HALO top, 3/4 cup of plain yogurt with berries and 2 Tbsp of granola.
    English muffin + 1/2 avacado
    Lunch: 3/4 cup quinoa, 1 cup roasted veggies + 3 baby potatoes, 1 chicken thigh, Greek yogurt.
    Snack: banana and Tbsp peanut butter
    Dinner: Leftover spaghetti and 1 meatball and I cup broccoli
    Binge sesh: 3 cups low cal popcorn, 1 pint HALO top cookie dough flavor, 1 spoonful of gelato, 3 pistachios, 1 kind bar, 1 handful of mini chocolate chips, spoonful of PB, mozzarella string cheese. I’m sitting here at 4am...almost 8 hours post binge and I’m starving.

    @aessom15 you have a lot of company. I was 63 with fast failing health before I addressed my similar Way Of Eating.

    On a strong huntch Cold Turkey I cut out all foods containing added sugar and or any form of any grain back in 2014.

    The first two weeks were hellish but the cravings and arthritis pain started dropping like a rock. Now at 68 my health markers are better than decades ago.

    I don't tell others what WOE will work for them because I have no way of knowing such a thing. Hopefully you will find one or more WOE's that will work for you.

    Best of success.