Was KETO for 8 months. Want to switch back to traditional diet.

tiberus1 Posts: 2 Member
Hi! Tibs here, I started the KETO diet back in July of last year at my heaviest weight of 376 lbs. Currently I am 294 lbs. Not a bad exchange, but I feel like I need carbs and Nutrients. So, I am trying to eat a healthier lifestyle of whole grains and Veggies and chicken and beans...and whatever else I think is healthy. I love this app and I also just purchased my first fitbit. So here I go on this continued journey. I have chosen to keep my macros at 40-30-30....any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. Oh and i did join a gym and actually using it daily. I did my first 10k steps today and will try to incorporate that daily. Good luck everyone!!


  • avlucia
    avlucia Posts: 66 Member
    Unfortunately I don't have an suggestions I've never done keto, just wanted to say congratulations and keep at it!
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    maybe ease out of it by increasing your vegetables, and holding off on the high carb starchy stuff initially. There's no need to be as strict as Keto unless you have health reasons to keep your carbs that low.
  • Back_4_more
    Back_4_more Posts: 92 Member
    I did that years ago and haven't looked back. No way I can do strict KETO anymore. I also have an easier time losing doing a 45f 30p 25c diet.
  • tiberus1
    tiberus1 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for the encouraging words!...I will try to keep the info coming as I continue to lose weight. I purchased the Ionic fitbit watch and it is actually helping me with the reminders like walking at least 250 steps an hour etc., The food switch is going fine eating chicken breasts and sweet potatoes and brown rice and lots of veggies. Also eating a bowl of oatmeal every morning for breakfast. I am eating my fruits (blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries with a dollop of fat free yogurt) at this time. I think they say to eat your sugary fruits in the AM for all day burning. And yes my weight has fluctuated a bit, but I think it has stopped the yo-yoing. And besides I feel pretty good. and overall a pound down right now....thanks aqain!