What motivates you to not give up?



  • talkinghead86
    talkinghead86 Posts: 66 Member
    edited April 2019
    Terytha wrote: »
    A doctor once called me pathetic.

    Another told me I wouldn't feel so bad if I stopped eating chips (I don't like chips. I actually had a serious infection.)

    I'm gonna drop 100 pounds and have a ceremony where I get closure by symbolically telling them all where to go and what to do when they get there. And I'm gonna eat chips while I do it.

    Anger and pain and a dream of sweet, sweet revenge are motivating me.

    HECK YEAH : -)
  • dougsingleton58
    dougsingleton58 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm diabetic and my sugars were obscenely out of control. Unlike other diseases, I didn't feel "sick" When I started having foot problems AND noticing the sudden onset of having to get up to use the bathroom at least SIX times a night, I knew I was in very serious trouble. I joined a "weight challenge" where I work where anyone who wants to join puts $100 into a pot. Whoever loses the most weight by the end of the school year ( I work at a school for special needs kids), wins the money. We have a men's group (6 of us) and a women's group (they have 12 !). Even if I don't win the money, it doesn't matter. I win anyway because I'm getting my health back. I'm finding it is TRUE that nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited April 2019
    I started losing weight because I became pre-diabetic. If I become diabetic, that means I would need to manage my food for life PLUS all the health issues associated with diabetes. I would rather manage my food for life without as few of these health issues as possible. I really like my kidneys and limbs, so that keeps me motivated. Unmanaged diabetes is pretty scary.
  • ChrisCatMama
    ChrisCatMama Posts: 1,038 Member
    My husband has a heart condition and polycythemia. He needs me to help take care of him and our oldest daughter who is also disabled. I’m doing this for them - getting healthier and stronger so I can better take care of them.
  • manowarrule2003
    manowarrule2003 Posts: 118 Member
    Man..... I realised I was stronger than my dad at the age of 15....i remember it so clear, and i was shocked. Your dad is meant to be the strong one. So now I have kids of my own, and i want, i need, to be strong for them. So im lifting weights amd eating a tonne in the hope that i can throw them around for years too come. The boy is 4 stone now so I don't have long left.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I am a bit clownish and hyper and I like being able to act out silly stories without feeling like people are judging the fat on my body. I want to dance at concerts. Feel cute in my clothes.

    What keeps me going, maintaining a huge loss, is all of the "non-scale victories"...and that's including the really minor ones. Today I was washing laundry and knew I had a spot on my pants near the top of my thigh. My pants (size 10) just looked so small to me and the stain was so much higher than I thought, because mentally I was calculating the space from waist to thigh about 5-6" lower than it is now (accounting for a big belly and hips that aren't as big). For years my pants were size 22 or larger and looked like they would cover a twin bed. That stuff keeps me going.
  • keonwlsn
    keonwlsn Posts: 278 Member
    @dougsingleton58 awww that is good keep it up. @ceiswyn wow that beautiful
  • keonwlsn
    keonwlsn Posts: 278 Member
    @amusedmonkey that’s good
  • keonwlsn
    keonwlsn Posts: 278 Member
    @ChrisCatMama aww very touching @manowarrule2003 nice u got this
  • keonwlsn
    keonwlsn Posts: 278 Member
    @seltzermint555 that’s awesome keep it going
  • BuiltLikeAPeep
    BuiltLikeAPeep Posts: 94 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    A doctor once called me pathetic.

    Another told me I wouldn't feel so bad if I stopped eating chips (I don't like chips. I actually had a serious infection.)

    A third treated me like a piece of rotting meat, like I was too disgusting to touch.

    I'm gonna drop 100 pounds and have a ceremony where I get closure by symbolically telling them all where to go and what to do when they get there. And I'm gonna eat chips while I do it.

    Anger and pain and a dream of sweet, sweet revenge are motivating me.

    Let me know when you do because I'm going to be here with my bag of chips, adding a few colorful expletives to the mix!
  • BuiltLikeAPeep
    BuiltLikeAPeep Posts: 94 Member
    My 19 year old daughter is my motivation. She is also obese, and I need to be a role model for her.
  • cowsanddogsarecute
    cowsanddogsarecute Posts: 156 Member
    I started losing weight because I have pcos, osteoarthritis in my knees and my body/skin has reduced feeling (am finally only a month away from finding out wtf it is!!!). In the 5.5 months I've been losing weight I've discovered that I have osteoarthritis in my left lumbar spine, gout and borderline high cholesterol. My body really hates me and I'm trying to not end up bedridden because I can't move from all sorts of pain and health issues.
  • keonwlsn
    keonwlsn Posts: 278 Member
    @BuiltLikeAPeep that’s a great motivator. @cowsanddogsarecute wow I’m sorry to hear