Looking for supportive friends



  • brandy_aguilar
    brandy_aguilar Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone can add me! 3 weeks postpartum and looking to get to better than prebaby weight and health.
  • Sarah7518
    Sarah7518 Posts: 26 Member
    My goal is to lose 100. Down 15 so far. Please feel free to add me. Would love to share motivation , tips, recipes etc. good luck to all
  • stephtra49
    stephtra49 Posts: 168 Member
  • I definitely could use some supportive friends. Everyone feel free to add me. I’m needing to lose 100+ pounds. I’m new to this and just started my new lifestyle.
  • azpostal
    azpostal Posts: 788 Member
    Hi there! Looking for motivational friends... I have had great success and lost 45 pounds. I was actually a little too thin looking back. Then, quit being so strict and sneaking treats here and there and the next thing I know, I gained back 25+ pounds!!! Back into it and feeling great, looking for friends to go through this journey with! :)
  • New_me_19
    New_me_19 Posts: 40 Member
    add me if you would like im 44lbs down and 54lb to go
  • mrronbacon
    mrronbacon Posts: 14 Member
    Also could use some friend here. Starting back again after some time away and soloing it at the gym leaves me a little less motivated. Add me please
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    Are you still looking , would like a new friend.
  • jenngee13
    jenngee13 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Jenny, I have been diagnosed with Chronic EBv , but my desire and interest of being fit is always burning! Anyone feel free to add me for mutual support!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me - the more friends the merrier! (:
  • stephtra49
    stephtra49 Posts: 168 Member
  • Sarah7518
    Sarah7518 Posts: 26 Member
    I definitely could use some supportive friends. Everyone feel free to add me. I’m needing to lose 100+ pounds. I’m new to this and just started my new lifestyle.
    You can do it...just take a day at a time. I also want to lose 100. Started feb 25 and I’m down18 so far. It’s a lot easier to put it on than take it off.
  • Blue_eyed_girl82
    Blue_eyed_girl82 Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Marci876
    Marci876 Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me 😊
  • turbolinky83
    turbolinky83 Posts: 6 Member
    I dont know how to add friends! Can someone please help??
  • korva
    korva Posts: 22 Member
    Add me too! I’m trying to lose the baby weight before I come back from maternity leave. Good vibes everyone
  • WitchyWoman7676
    WitchyWoman7676 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks everyone!