Co-Worker's Bizarre Reaction



  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Any more I just stay deliberately vague on goals and details of my journey. Too many not so veiled backhanded comments, false encouragement and eye rolls from those around me. Those that are genuinely interested, I will answer their questions, but I don't start the conversation. Unless someone is ready to lose weight, talking to them is like talking to the least the wall doesn't roll their eyes.
  • niste_ketlin
    I'm kind of in the same situation.. Everyone thinks if I lose the 77 pounds that I will be too thin and the wind will blow me away.. They say it will be unhealthy. And then on the polar opposite I have one friend who said I should get down to 115lbs.. Which would be like a 102lb total loss, almost half of my start weight!!.... Which is a lot more than I had anticipated losing in the first place. Now I'm at a loss, and IMO the entire situation is very demotivating, and even taking away from my happiness in the fact I haven't weighed this little in Ages. I don't know what to do Anymore.
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    I don't discuss it with people I'm not comfortable discussing it with, but to be honest, I'm a mouthy enough person that if someone decided to give me their two cents, I'd give them my two dollars if you catch my drift.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I don't talk about the details with people. If they comment that I've lost weight I tell that I've been working at it, that I'm eating less and that I've taken up running. Usually they get distracted by the running comment as that is a very surprising thing for me to do!
  • CountandBaxter
    CountandBaxter Posts: 31 Member
    stop talking to other people......they are dream stealers........I love MFP because I have friends here who support and encourage me.........too many people in my face to face world have attacked my dream and given me no help in achieving my goal.

    I agree with this. It wasn't until I look the way I do now that they were asking me about what I was doing- I say MFP and watching what I eat.

    and when I get compliments- I say "thank you. I've been working hard at it"

    and I agree with not talking to people in real life unless they start the conversation and are genuinely interested- not just any acquaintance.
  • tyrownp
    tyrownp Posts: 13
    You will find that talking to someone that needs to lose weight while your actually going through the process of losing weight is a bad idea. People who need to lose weight don't want to hear about your weight loss plans or goals because they haven't reached that point mentally where they are ready to change, best thing you can do is just do like most have said and just stick to the plan and only talk about it with people who have genuine interest in what and how your doing it. When your able to talk about it with people like the ones on here, man its really inspiring, and motivating!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I don't talk about it with anyone unless we're like best friends. It's just awkward and uncomfortable. I think the reason your coworker reacted how she did is that maybe she thinks you're already great and she would kill to look like you? I ideally would love to get down to about 150, which is still 20 lbs away, but if I told people that, I know they would think I'm crazy.
  • nursenelson
    I usually talk about how I eat or what I eat instead of weight. Cuz I've been in your situation before. I have a friend who is at LEAST 400 pounds, and when I told her I had about 100 to lose, she was aghast and said her goal was to lose 50. I soooooooo wanted to say, "really? that's it?" but refrained.

    oh wow..... D.E.N.I.A.L
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I try avoid discussing with my workmate. He thinks he knows all about healthy eating - and I reckon he does, but does he apply it? Nope. He is probably 300lb AT LEAST and will eat 2 burgers for lunch. Or 2 packs of sushi. And will tut at me when I go off the rails a bit or am eating something I deem healthy (i.e. a salad) but that has something a little less healthy in it (load of feta lol - just an example).

    It's like "ARGH! Don't preach what you don't practice!"
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    i also don't think people know what 15,20,50, or 100 lbs looks like off a body. she may have thought 50lbs looked like 100lbs so to her 90lbs seemed like a LOT.

    i think there is some really great advice here though
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    There are a couple of reasons why people react that way (from what I learned). One major reason is that when they talk to a dieter who is losing weight, they feel inferior to you--you know something they don't and now you look down at them--so they react by saying you are already too skinny or you don't need to lose weight. A way to appease the person is to compliment something about them, to reassure that they are still good at something. If people ask what you are doing, I learned to respond that I am trying something new, just experimenting. This way, they don't feel that bad as they can still help you.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I try avoid discussing with my workmate. He thinks he knows all about healthy eating - and I reckon he does, but does he apply it? Nope. He is probably 300lb AT LEAST and will eat 2 burgers for lunch. Or 2 packs of sushi. And will tut at me when I go off the rails a bit or am eating something I deem healthy (i.e. a salad) but that has something a little less healthy in it (load of feta lol - just an example).

    It's like "ARGH! Don't preach what you don't practice!"

    LOL, this reminds me of a girl I used to work with years ago.

    We were in the cafeteria, and I grabbed something (can't remember what it was, probably a dessert), and this girl said to me, "Do you have any idea how many calories are in that?" I wasn't sure why she said it; I wasn't overweight at the time. So, I just looked down at my body, then looked back at her and replied, "Well, it's a good thing I don't have to worry about my weight." People are clueless when they make comments about what other people eat!!
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    Some people don't want to put in the work to lose weight themselves...and get intimidated when someone they know wants to lose weight. She obviously doesn't want you to get thinner and make her feel even worse about herself!

    this!! ive come across a few