Working toward 50 and Fabulous

Looking for accountability buddies mid 40's to 60. I'm really struggling and no one can relate. I'm 51 and 191 lbs. I'm 5'3 and my goal is to get between 125 and 130. I'm obese and miserable. Looking for like aged, like minded who are just staring or succeeding and can offer some tips and motivation! Let's pal up!


  • suefitnessaccount
    suefitnessaccount Posts: 37 Member
    Hello Sam, I'm 46, almost the same height and weight and am mostly trying to stop my weight going in a constantly upwards direction. I've been yoyoing for about 30 years but I'm really starting to get some health issues now. I have a tendency to get 'off track' very easily so could do with an accountability buddy.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm with you. Was thin until I turned 50, then gained weight that I've GOT to lose.

    For the record, you're just a smidge over the line into Obese.

    What tools are you using to help yourself - Weight Watchers, counting macros, keto?