Sneaky, private eating

For as long as I can remember I have eaten (usually to excess) when I am alone. This is causing me great heartache, and some advise would be appreciated.
My husband & I eat at different times in the evening due to our different work times; I eat when I get home from work and then make him something for when he gets home an hour or 2 later, depending on the day.
I have observed (almost hysterically) that in the space of a short period of time I can eat whatever is not nailed down.
Last night for instance I make some chicken noodle soup for myself, and then after eating a huge portion of that, I ate a large bowl of Cheerios and milk, then I ate 3 snack chocolates, then I ate 3 weight watchers apple & custard bars, then I ate 2 mini muffins.
I finally stopped as there was nothing left to eat, but I did all this within the space of about 30 minutes.
This is not everyday, but it is a little too often.
It is obviously stopping me from attaining a healthy weight and size, but what is affecting me more is the mental pain this is causing me.
How do I stop doing this?
(I fell off the wagon about 4 months ago for an unknown reason, and this behavious I am talking about has been unrelenting until now).


  • delisa83
    delisa83 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm the same I find myself gravitating towards the pantry every time I am alone - more importantly LONELY!

    So I find anything to take my mind off of it.

    I know it sounds old fashioned but I tend to sit and knit if I have nothing else to do, purely because I sit when Hubby is late at work and watch TV and nibble. So when I know I am going to feel like that I sit and watch TV and my fingers are being kept busy knitting.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    I wish I had an answer for then, maybe, I could stop this behavior within myself. Doesn't help that my fiance is so accomodating. Tonight, we went to dinner...spinach and articoke dip, cheesy garlic bread, wings, two shots of tequilla and then we go to the grocery...picked up pineapple juice AND cookies. Wish I didn't work tomorrow so that I could continue to gorge.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Make sure you log all of it. I have logged my food for years and found that having to admit it on paper (or computer) makes me stop short. You may also choose to make your diary open so you own it a bit more. The more I own it the less I do it.

    Note: Though my advice is to open your diary mine is not open. I'd prefer it to be open but, got tired of people nagging me about having too few calories, even though I'm following the orders of my doctor and nutritionist. I'm very short and 1200 is too many for me to lose weight.

    Edit: I do show my partner my diary every day and tell him all about it, the good, the bad and the ugly. He doesn't usually say anything positive or negative but, I have noticed since I started this he is less likely to enable me. He may have been startled when he saw the number of calories.
  • rhiannonchallans
    Alone and bored....its definately one of my triggers.

    Maybe after you've had your dinner try and distract yourself. Go out for a walk. Log on to MFP. Watch a movie or read a book. Distraction!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Why don't you stock more healthy options when you do have a binge? I find myself eating a lot to attain my calorie goals but if you replace those chocolates with something healthy like cherries or grapes or even may not feel so bad?

    I try to keep the bad stuff away (hard to when you live with people who love it) because I know I'll binge. It's a self control thing...try your best and then push beyond that. You may wanna take some time to yourself to figure out why you're eating when you're not hungry? I'd assume after the first bowl or soup or even the cereal you'd be full? You gotta look deep and find out what's causing it.

    Good luck
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Kinda makes you feel in control (cause you can eat whatever you want) and out of control at the same time!!!

    I know...been there...almost over it....

    If I've eaten then it's chewing gum for me..otherwise...yep..if it's not moving it will get eaten...I just CAN'T start or I'd never stop!!!

    All the best..log EVERYTHING!!! Good bad or ugly....
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    I have done the same thing... it is a compulsion I think. I am not hungry when i do it, or happy, or sad or even bored most times. I don't even know I do it until I look at the trash left over from my binge. I am almost always home alone when it happens. I will be standing at the fridge with the door open staring inside and not even remember getting up and walking there. The journaling on here has really helped me. Even when I blow it I am being honest with myself for a change and that is making it better. Why do i do the sneaky eating?? I don't know. Wish I did. good luck and keep being honest... things will change. it just takes time.
  • forthespace
    For as long as I can remember I have eaten (usually to excess) when I am alone.

    I've been there. The only thing I can suggest is one thing: those two hours between you and your husband getting home: try to stay out. Even better, go to the gym, or a class, something. Sit down and eat with him. This way you will eat slower and eat a more respectable portion. Then afterwards, he will be around for the rest of the night so you won't binge
  • whisperingdragon
    Weight loss starts in the mind. You must keep telling yourself that you cannot continue to do this and this is a very bad thing, and not one good thing can come out of it. Don't give up, keep trying every single day.. get back on the wagon, don't let it defeat you. You control "it". Tell yourself that you will do whatever it takes to be in control.
  • mazza33
    mazza33 Posts: 123 Member
    I agree with yeabby....log everything! You will soon start to realise that when you go to reach for it, you wont want to log it and therefore tends to keep you's helped me a lot, not all the time mind but just making the connection of actually logging foods that are high in cals/fat/sugar etc make you much more aware of whats going in your mouth.

    Good luck x
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    This must be very painful for you and perhaps you need to think outside the box - are you unhappy about something, lonely perhaps? Would a hobby help fill in the time between you eating (dinner) and your husband getting home? Is it an option to talk to someone (a professional)?

    I've had some luck with putting signs or photos on cupboard doors and the fridge so I have to look at it before I reach inside... For me, pregnancy is my ultimate goal, so a sign that says "1 x chocolate = no baby" has a huge effect on changing my behaviour. That doesn't mean I won't say "what the hell/today I don't care" occassionally :) But for the most part it's the deterrant I need.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Log and start getting rid of the unhealthy packaged stuff. Nibble on some fruit or vegetables. Drink a glass of water. Find something to occupy yourself. Chew gum. I wouldn't suggest TV because a lot of people use that as a time to nibble for 30 minutes, but if it controls you then try that. Sometimes I'll paint my nails, do my hair, or makeup ... something to just focus on.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    This is a problem for me too. I used to justify it by saying I didn't want my kids to be exposed to those kind of foods and how I gorged on them. But really I just wanted them all to myself.

    I suffer from anxiety and depression, and when I am lonely and miss my husband(he works out of town) I either eat too much, or don't eat and then gorge like I haven't eaten in a month. I have no idea how to stop it, but I have been doing better.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Sometimes I can stop myself just long enough to walk away and change into my bikini and look in the mirror. Then I tell myself why I have to control myself. Like others have mentioned try to have an alternative to junk food. I like grapes because I feel like I get soooo many lol. And for salt cravings I have those Special K chips. I grab a few and walk away. If I start to. feel like I'll binge I'll literary smasht them into chip dust and throw them away. I've thrown away trays of brownies and cake too. My family wasn't too happy but they can have grapes instead too. Good luck and hope you work through this.