100 pounds to lose in 2019



  • qblaw
    qblaw Posts: 1 Member
    I have adopted a mindset that tells me that “I am too old” to be in shape. I know that this is self-defeating. My goal is to go from 286 to 205. I’m 42-years-old next month. Thank you for your insights and motivation. Will check in daily...
  • daklock
    daklock Posts: 54 Member
    I have adopted a mindset that tells me that “I am too old” to be in shape. I know that this is self-defeating

    Well put that mindset away. You are not too old and there are lots of people on the forums who are much older and are losing, or maintaining a healthy weight after losing 100 pounds.

    We can do this. We just need to stay focussed. I am reading lots of different threads for motivation. One of my favorites is the NSV thread. The people are so focussed and it's interesting to read how they are coping with their new bodies.
  • daklock
    daklock Posts: 54 Member
    Anyone still checking in on this thread? Its 105 days for me, and 32 pounds down. I just reread my earlier post and realize that I still need to work on the same behaviours. Being mindful of the quantity I eat, and chewing my food slowly and thoroughly. The last few weeks I have started to hurry again. When I slow down my eating process, I can feel myself getting full and can stop before I am finished all my food. If I eat at what was my normal pace, I am finished the whole plate before my mind has even registered I am eating. And then I tend to overeat. So eating slowly, chewing each bite, and quantity control are my goals. How is everyone else doing and what have you found successful to help you on this journey?
  • I definitely could use some supportive friends. Everyone feel free to add me. I’m needing to lose 100+ pounds. I’m new to this app and just started this lifestyle change.
  • I coupd use some support to keep me in check. So that I dont go off grid.
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    I have 126 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. I was on a great healthy path until diagnosed with breast cancer. Between the chemo, steroids, radiation, and tomoxifen I hit my worst weight ever!!! I was feeling super discouraged until reading through all of these posts in this discussion thread. Now I am looking toward a new and improved me! I did a lot of self reflection and empowered myself by purchasing a weight scale, a food scale, a tape measure and if anyone in my family wants to spend time with me it’s by being out on the hiking trails with me!! Here’s to being determined to get this weight off !!!!
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    Unfortunately there is no edit button or at least I haven’t figured it out yet lol... please feel free to add me! I can use all the support and encouragement I can get 😊
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    I was just cruising this thread, looking for some potential friend adds. But when I looked at the latest logins of some of these folks, they were from January! That makes me sad. I'm Shelly and I'm looking for some motivation help. Please add me and let me support you, too!
  • hopeium1989
    hopeium1989 Posts: 6 Member
    This has been a hard battle for me in and out of trying to lose weight. So far sense the beginning of the year I have lost a total of 22pounds. It’s not been a easy battle but it’s coming along slowly. Right now I’m at 318 my goal is to be at 250 but honestly if I made it to 218 I would be a lot closer to my proper BMI. I know it takes time to put it on so it takes longer to work it off. Just taking it one step at a time. Happy to have this app to help me track and keep my support going.
  • Horses4Two
    Horses4Two Posts: 45 Member
    @tmshank18 sent you a FR :)
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey, how's everyone doing? Feel free to add me! I had lost all my motivation, but getting back into it again and I know I could use all the support I can get!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I am trying to lose around 100 lbs too. I'm down about 50 lbs from my heaviest, so I know I can lose the weight, I just need to get into healthier habits, and make healthy lifestyle choices. We can all do this!

    Anyone looking for a friend is welcome to add me, the more motivators the better. :)
  • dmgirl87
    dmgirl87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I started 2019 with about 100lbs to lose. I'm 5'7" and was 260. I've been working since about mid Feb and am at 237 now and I could really use some motivation! April has been a rough month for some reason.
  • BigMosley
    BigMosley Posts: 2 Member
    This is 100% me! My goal weight was 170 pounds away! Anyone feel free to send me a friend request, the more the merrier!
  • jynns
    jynns Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I’m Jennifer. I also have 100 + pounds to lose. I got really serious at the beginning of the year- I have lost 45 pounds since then. I have been logging EVERYthing on MFP. I would love to have friends to go in this journey with! I just turned 52 and I need to get my weight under control before it’s too late. I need to start adding some exercise too. I’m realizing this is going to be a lifelong journey- not a diet that will have an end. I did lose 80 pounds about 12 years ago- but I gained it all back and a lot more to go with it. 😢. I don’t want that to happen again. We can do this!!
  • sassy1dannie
    sassy1dannie Posts: 1 Member
    Hey i am dannie i want to loose weight so i can have another baby i was 285 ... at 280 i found this all and i am now at 270 my goal for baby is 230 my want is to get to 180 thats what i was 10 years ago when i met my husband im finly seeing a difference in weight but im worried it wont keep coming off i have hormone problems bad so yeah any support be amazing any tips to loose the pounds faster be awesome as well
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    Add me! I am 46, and I have a little under 100 to lose...about 95 or so! I need all the motivation, friendship and support that I can get!
  • bfitb440n2022
    bfitb440n2022 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Tatyana and I'd like to lose around 150 pounds. I just started Sunday so I'm taking it slowly and one day at a time. Please add me! I'd love support in this journey!
  • rubyslipperss1
    rubyslipperss1 Posts: 31 Member
    I celebrated 4 weeks of healthy eating today. Didn't weigh myself when I started but did yesterday. I am 71 and have to get some weight off. I will weigh again in a month. My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week. I know I will never be thin but I do want to be healthier!