Yoga anyone?.......

So what do you guys think of Yoga? My friend introduced me to yoga just recently and I love it! I can't believe that I can use this for some of my exercise it is very relaxing to me and I am starting to get the poses. So what suggestion's do you have for some really good intense videos for beginners? She is trying to get me to do Bikram but I am not there yet. It is done for 90 min in a very hot room.


  • mgaje
    mgaje Posts: 43 Member
    way to go on trying yoga!!! i also love that you get points for excersize for something so relaxing. i personally found taking a class much better than a video because the instructor will correct your pose if your doing it wrong so you dont hurt yourself... when i first tried it a decent line of dvd's was "yoga for dummies" i found that they do show you what not to do as well as some of the dvd's showed ways to increase the difficulty of the pose.. good luck!!!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I love doing the Yoga videos that come with P90x and the One on Ones that Beachbody do. Not as good as a proper class but when you were as inflexible as I was when I started classes would be a bit of an embarrassing place to start.

    I try to do Yoga twice a week, really helps with my recovery and my flexibility.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I too love yoga. I try to do it once a week. It helps me relax, and helps loosen any tight muscles. (again recovery).

    I love the sun salutation, but for something different try the moon salutation.
  • HazelAngelstar
    I started going along to Dru Yoga classes earlier this year. Its a very gentle, flowing form of yoga - so does not burn up the calories the same as other kinds - but is ideal for me, as majority of poses can be done sitting in a chair ... so even if my legs are really weak/painful I can still take part. For me yoga is more about improving flexibility & mobility than exercising; but obviously there is some cardiovascular benefits too. :)
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    I started going along to Dru Yoga classes earlier this year. Its a very gentle, flowing form of yoga - so does not burn up the calories the same as other kinds - but is ideal for me, as majority of poses can be done sitting in a chair ... so even if my legs are really weak/painful I can still take part. For me yoga is more about improving flexibility & mobility than exercising; but obviously there is some cardiovascular benefits too. :)

    I used to go to Dru yoga but unfortunately the girl took ill, it was great - where do you do yours (I think we stay quite close?)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Yoga is fab (says someone who was too tired to make it to the class last night!!)

    I was always pretty flexible as a kid but when I started a class again recently I was disappointed at how much I had stiffened up. Ove the past few weeks, however, I have been able to do more and more.

    I love the feeling of stretch I get with it, and you can see consistent and steady improvement - for example I couldn't do a side plank to start but now (with a bit of weight lifting thrown in) it is no bother. They say also that yoga increases blood flow to the muscles so is a really good recovery exercise - it seems gentle, but there are times when my heart rate is up!!!
  • dizzygirl12
    dizzygirl12 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank's everyone! glad to see so many people enjoy it as much as I am starting too.