PCOS and Weight Loss

Hello, I am 19 I have PCOS. Obviously overweight and in need of sorting my PCOS right out because its getting me down and i know loosing weight will help it as i've done it before!!

I lost 2 stone last year in 3 months...met my boyfriend and then here I am in a comfortable relationship like most people have...and ive put it all back on haha! My own fault but im not mad because it happens and its been a good year of food drinking and laughter!

I haven't weighed myself but I can tell i have put it on so im guessing im 14 stone 10lbs maybe???

Im looking for people in the same boat to discuss and maybe make a little group chat, i dont know!

I am intermittent fasting at the moment, not everyone agrees with this but it works for me so!

I was on slimfast last year but just cant get back into it!

I look forward to hearing from anyone!!


  • LightandShadow
    LightandShadow Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I’m 33 and have PCOS + insulin resistance. I’ve started and stopped my weight loss journey so. many. times. over my life. I’ve done quick fixes in the past, but now I think I’m ready for the slow and steady approach.

    My goal is to lose 70 lbs (5 stone, I think?), and then see how I look and feel. What’s your goal?

    We can do this!