Hi I'm a newbie!

Hi there :)
My name is Kerrie, I am 23 and from Australia. Although I have been dieting for what seems like a lifetime I am new to the MFP community. I have been tracking calories with MFP for awhile and thought I would pop in here. A bit of background about my weight loss history...
I was an average weight up till 16 when I started packing on the pounds. I met my now husband when I was 15 and I was a healthy 60kgs. During the first 3 years with him, due to a combination of having a boyfriend who drove me to and from school and got me junk food whenever I wanted it, and also going on the depo injection, I gained 34kgs. A massive amount in 3 years! I was always in denial about my weight though, I honestly didnt think I was 'that' big. I didnt have much of a social life so I could spend all my time in my massive trackies. When I was 19 I went to the Dr for an unrelated problem and when he weighed me I was shocked. He asked if I was interested in trying Duromine and of course I was. I was due to get married in 6 months so of course I wanted to lose weight.
Duromine worked really well for me. Well if you ignore the whole pyscho b!tch personality thing. I seriously wanted to kill everyone. I was eating the tiniest amount of food and never felt hungry. The weight fell off and in the first month I last 7kgs. By the time my wedding came around I had lost 23kgs. The Dr stopped prescribing it to me, but I was hooked, I needed it. I got other people to get it prescribed so I could take it for longer, and started taking it every 2nd day so my stash would last longer. In total I lost 30 kgs in the 8 months I was on it.
After I finally got off it (had a massive wakeup when my husband threatened to leave me if I didnt stop as he hated who I was on it) I slowly started gaining back weight. 1.5 years later I fell pregnant and at the start of my pregnancy I was 71kgs, so had gained 6 kgs in that time.
I ate like a pig all the way through my pregnancy and ended up gaining 24kgs. After my daughter was born I was down to 85kgs. She is now 14 months and I am still 76kgs. I really didnt start to diet seriously till quite recently. I am breastfeeding so still have to maintain a good calorie intake. This is the first time I have lost weight without drugs/shakes/other quick fixes and it is hard! I would like to lose another 10kgs. We are going on holidays in 9 weeks and I would love to lose 8kgs before then, but I know I really have to stick to it, hence joining here for some motivation & inspiration! So if you have got through reading this (I didnt mean it to be so long!) thanks & hi :) Wish me luck!


  • XxNatZwagerxX
    Hiya Kerrie:)
    i'm Nat,i'm also new here haha,but everyone seems really lovely here and are going through the same kind of thing,i wish you all the luck in the worldage:) add me if you want or if you want recipes i got lots,seeing as i love to cook and make a mess in my kitchen then my mums yells :/ but anyway you'll do great:D xox
  • KimmyAlonso
    KimmyAlonso Posts: 13 Member

    I'm new too!
    I'm sure you'll reach your goals on here, everyone seems really motivated and helpful!
    We can all get there together :D