Aghh always hungry!!

I am a 21 year old female that has the metabolism of a 12 year old boy! I just at a breakfast pita ( pita filled with veggies, cheese, and hot sauce) less then 2 hrs ago and I am already hungry again. Is there any super filling low cal ideas? or any advice on how to fix my hunger? I have been to mfp for a week now and I still feel like I am always hungry! Will I get used to it eventually?


  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I think that is somewhat normal. I eat my breakfast usually around 8:00 and by 10:00 I need a snack and then lunch at 12:30 and usually need something quick to snack on before dinner. It is recommended that you actually eat 5 smaller meals instead of 3 big meals throughout the day. It helps regulate your blood sugar and keeps you energized.
  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    I eat small meals or snacks about every three hours instead of three meals a may be only psychological but i feel like im eating more and dont get as many urges to eat junk...i eat lots of veggies as fillers too :) good luck
  • I already eat snacks too but they don't take the hunger pains away
  • bump for later ; )
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I can't see you diary, but are you drinking enough water? My hunger pains decreased significantly once I started hydrating myself properly.

    Have carrot and celery sticks as snacks throughout the day. They're both AMAZING. I love them so much and they're so filling an tasty!
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    I found that when I first started, I had to get used to eating less and am pretty sure my stomach had been stretched. After about a week or so, you get more used to normal portions. Another thing is to make sure you have healthy snacks between meals. I usually have yogurt or fruit. So breakfast at around 8, snack at 10 lunch 12, snack at 2 or 3, then supper. This way, your "fuel tank" never gets really empty and it takes you less to fill up when you *do* eat. I also found that grapes were a good low-cal way to fill up.
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    This is where the "water" comes in. If you drink lots of water it will help keep you feeling "full" between meals. Also, fresh fruits and veggies are low in calories but high in vitamins etc....good snacks.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Make sure that all your meals contain complex carbs, protein and fat. These combined help you feel full longer. Since you have a great metabolism, you might want to add more calories too.
  • lizluvs3
    lizluvs3 Posts: 21 Member
    Yea the hunger does get better. I felt exactly the same! When I was a kid I literally passed out if I didn't have snacks in between meals. Altho that had a lot to do with blood sugar, my metabolism is also high. What I figured out is a simple formula exercise=more food lol! But it still took me awhile here on mfp to not be hungry all the time. I also had to figure out the difference between real hunger and boredom hunger lol. Eating while working on the computer for instance. I felt bereft (and still do lol) if I'm not shoving food in while sitting in front of a screen or even reading. Doesn't mean I'm really hungry tho!
  • slaunderville
    slaunderville Posts: 49 Member
    I remember the same feeling at first. I seem to eat a lot more now but all healthier choices. I tend to eat something every couple of hours but things like cucumbers, carrots and other veggies as well as fruits like bananas. I also tend to add protein to every meal to help make me satisfied a little longer.

    I agree also that water makes all the difference. If you do not love plain water, I sometimes substitute plain water for a very low cal powder drink. I like the decaf tea with splenda.

    Good luck and keep up the great work you will get through this!!!
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I'll catch a lot of flack for saying this but if your body can handle starchy foods, try oatmeal for breakfast. Other starchy foods such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam, rice, butternut squash, corn--these foods are calorie dilute. They fill you up without packing the calories in.

    Good luck!
  • Dander
    Dander Posts: 26 Member
    I had the same problem - but although I thought I was drinking enough water, I wasn't. Always drink a glass of water before each meal.

    Also, up your (low-fat) protein. It really fills you up. It may not at first but if you stick with it, your body will get used to it. I keep seafood sticks, non-fat greek yoghurt or cottage cheese handy as a snack (or part of a meal).

    Other little tricks are sugar free gum or mints, a hot drink, diet coke or when you feel hungry - get up walk around/do housework/send an email then if you're still hungry after that, eat. Most often than not you'll find you'll have forgotten about it.

    Good luck!
  • geraldm55
    geraldm55 Posts: 130
    snacks will help lots and lots

    my snack of choice is bell peppers they taste great and an enire pepper is 26 calories. I find if I eat 1/2 of one and drink water I'm comfortable till the next meal.

    now having said that I don't have a fast matabolism if mine was any slower I'd probably be dead lol.

    good luck I know you can do it.
  • Thanks everyone! I think I need to add more protein! I could probably use more water also I drink 6-8 glasses right now. And too taem I love you haha I am a starch junkie and I know that doesn't mean I can binge on them now but I think I will make roasted garlic potatoes as a side dish for tonight's diner! And lizlovs3 tell me about it! I work in front of a computer for 12 hrs straight and it's a chore not to just munch on something
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    High protein helps me a lot. It is filling and also helps spare muscle tissue while dieting. I increased my protein percentage under the Goals tab, and lowered carbs. I also dropped my weight loss / week goal so I would get some more calories. I now feel satisfied on the amount of food that I can eat, but am still losing weight. Good luck!