Interesting article on yahoo..

I read this article on yahoo this morning, and find it very interesting! Right now my children and I are trying to eat as fresh as possible (obviously 100% fresh isn't happening just yet, but we are taking baby steps!) My husband (junk food junkie is getting a little better too!) We try to make organic chicken, brown rice, organic salmon, organic milk, cage free eggs, etc. Of course I still use the luxury of easy to cook meals when we are on the go (like today!), but I also make sure that they are healthy, and not HORRIBLY processed. The large step I took to make myself healthier is also allowing me to have my children eat healthy, and choose an apple over a cookie, or strawberries over fruit snacks! Over time we are trying to become a "minimal non-processed house"

ANYWAYS heres the article!


  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Trying to do the same in our house, isn't always easy nor cheap. Thanks for te article link.
  • brittanylynne1209
    I know! Its not cheap at all! I go to the grocery store and usually spend 150$ just for about a week because everything we buy is either organic or insanely expensive! haha. I love coupons! I also cut spending at Whole Foods by going to my local farmers market which has ALL organic produce! My kids usually eat between 2 bananas a day, 1/2 a pound of strawberries, blueberries, rasberries, carrots, celary.. its insane!
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    Great story - I followed their 100 days of real food blog. It has some great info, laughs, and recipes.
    I am trying to incorporate more veggies and less junk food in our house as well.. Not 100% real food yet, but working on it!

    Thanks for sharing!!!