How much can my one time binge effect me?

Ok so I lost it last night and went straight for the reeses m&ms and skittles. (Why are these foods in my house?). I did so well all day! I have lost about 13lbs. 3 more to go and I ate last night like my plane was going down. (first time I have cheated in 2 months). Definitely doubled my calorie intake just in about maybe an hour. If I weighed the same the next morning (today) as I did the day before, you think I can pretend it didn't happen? Just wanted to hear about your binges.


  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    ive done this several times while trying to lose weight. i just make sure i get back on track again, and touch wood its not affected my weight loss yet :)
  • MisszObrien
    Don't worry you were good for 2 monhs this cheat was probably Well deserved !!!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It will only effect you if you let it, otherwise it's a one time thing.
  • soccertra
    you won't see any weight gain until a couple days after, but you are probably fine -- just make sure to get back on track and maybe hit the gym to burn off some extra calories. if i have a day like that, i just try to make sure that the rest of the week is really strict (and maybe even under my calorie goal a few days just to try to average it out)
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    no its def touch wood where im from!
  • abazooday727
    Darlin, we all have slips. Just don't let your slip become a fall! You are human and these things happen to everyone in our position (whether they admit it or not!) Just jump back in with both feet. :wink:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It might take up to a week for that binge to show on your scale. But honestly, it may have no effect at all, especially if you've got a high calorie deficit and get right back to eating right and being active.

    Maybe instead of depriving yourself of these treats and thinking of it as cheating on your diet, build in a plan so that you can have a treat now and then so you won't be as tempted to go overboard. Also, have a little heart to heart with yourself to figure out why you decided to dive into the chocolate (stress, boredom, etc) and figure out some ways that you can handle those triggers besides food (distract yourself with a good book, go for a walk, call a friend, etc).

    Even if it does show up on the scale in the next few day, it's just a blip! You'll lose it again in no worries.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Try to get back on track today, eat well, drinks tons of water, add a little extra activity and most of all.....forget about it! New day, fresh start....don't let it get you down.
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    It's fine. If I'm having an "over" day I'll just change my setting for that day to "maintenance". Tell yourself, today I am maintaining not losing weight. And start again the next day. And hand jobs... those will also help.
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    Simple equation: 1lb of fat is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories. If you doubled your calories and you're already on a reduced number, there's no way you will have eaten enough to put on. Maybe just enough to not lose any this week. Just don't use it as a reason to give up. Start every day fresh!
  • futurefitgirl88
    I cheat ALL the time ;) I just get back on the wagon straight after!! =)
  • kslindner
    kslindner Posts: 107
    Everyone's allowed to cheat every now & again or else none of us would be successful!! We're only human. :)
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    Even if you do show a gain over the next day or two, it's likely because of water weight due to the excess sugar you took in.'re back on track now and you'll be fine. It takes 3500 excess calories (ones you haven't burned off) to gain a pound of fat. We all slip up once in a while! Don't be too hard on yourself. Perfectionism just sets us up for failure.

  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    Do you add these treats into your regular eating habits? If you did afford yourself something special once in awhile you may not feel the need to over do it when you do.

    Why are they in your house? only you can answer that but it would be best to NOT keep all three at the same time LOL.

    I usually get dark chocolate and put it right in the freezer, when I want it I break off a piece and enjoy it....But count it.
    That way you can have the yummy treats BUT in moderation.
  • campstew
    Any time I splurge and eat more of something delicious than I think I should have, I remember that it takes 3000 extra calories to put a pound back on. That's a lot of food, so I don't think a one time binge would hurt you in the long run if you return to eating healthier right away. A suggestion that works for me is trying not to forbid yourself from eating anything because that is what I find makes me binge...the fear I won't have it again. Instead I will consciously eat some and enjoy every last minute of it but limit the amount "for now"' , knowing I can always go back another day for another small portion.
  • maryzcontrary
    I've noticed that if I don't eat steadily through the day - especially if I skip the afternoon snack- that I really start craving. Mostly sugar. Before MFP I was a fairly heavy drinker. I would crave "happy hour" - hey, it's 5 somewhere! But now I don't crave alcohol or sweets. I credit the idea of feeding my body good things steadily throughout the day for knocking out that urge - perhaps those cravings were tied to lower blood sugar? Anyway, I am just throwing this out afternoon snack is usually a couple cups of fruit, or a Luna bar, or both.....gets the sugar up, and then I try for a high protein, lower carb dinner......

    I am really grateful to MFP for showing me a better way to eat and live.....
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Well don't feel bad everyone on here has binge or splurge if you dont . You will crave it more, and more. But I have never binged.. But I did splurged lastnight but I didn't let it take control of me. My hubby brought home a bag of mexican pastries and I splurged but my daughter, amd him help me eat it cause I didn't want to eat everything. Apparrently I checked my scale this morning just ti see it didn't really do anything to me.. Soo just don't worry to much about it. Just move on today is a new day!! Well you dserved the treat you did lost weight.
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    Eh, we all have that - I had a huge cinnamon roll with frosting yesterday because I'd had a bad day and gosh darn it I didn't have any willpower left!

    But today I'm back on and feeling better for the splurge because I really needed it. Will it hurt me? No. Do I feel guilty? No. Will I partake in our party tomorrow with cheesecake and chocolate cake? Yes!

    I got one thing out of your post though that you could change - get rid of tempting treats in your house! Not by eating, but give them away, throw them away, whatever but it's easier to eat well if you only see good foods.

    Otherwise let it go and move on.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Just dont make it a habit and you will be fine. :)