Weighing In?

The nice thing I've learned about MFP is that I can put in my weight whenever I want--but now I'm weighing myself everyday and I'm watching these wild fluctuations in my weight even though I weigh in at the same time every morning. Should I not be doing this? How often should I weigh in? I don't think I can wait a week to find out if I've had any progress.



  • nccolli9
    I've noticed the same thing. Some days I will go down a lot and other days I will go up alot. Not sure what the deal is but I think that if you weigh yourself everyday that you will have to realize that there will be flucutations. They say only once a week. So maybe take one day a week as solid and the other days at face value.
  • erinlyon76
    i'm the exact same way! they say to weigh once a week. but i find myself on there first thing every morning!
  • LosingTheWeight2014
    I personally weigh daily, but you have to have the mindset that you may see that scale go up and not let it bother you.

    It's a personal choice I think and whatever works for you, I say do it. I used to weigh only 2 or 3 times a week, but I like seeing what the scale is doing and if I need to adjust something.
  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    I weigh every day and the fluctuations are kind of disheartening sometimes. But for the most part I record it once a week...unless I am at a plateau, like I am right now. There was a time when I was recording every 3 days "Tracey has lost 2.5 pounds since her last weigh in!" Those days seem to be long gone, lol. It just took me a month almost to lose 4 pounds! grrrr

    Do what feels right. If you cant resist then weigh daily but dont wig out when you are up a few pounds now and then.
  • kleonarski
    I weigh myself every other if not every morning. The best way to stay consistent is to measure yourself at the same time and preferably in the morning, I also weigh my self with little clothes on like just boxers and a shirt that way I won't falsely blame the change in weight on wearing different clothing.
  • SheriffJen
    SheriffJen Posts: 13 Member
    I weigh myself 2-3 times a day. the scale is there, so I hop on and see where I am. But, I only record my weight one day a week. I weigh myself the same time each week and that's the one that is documented. Mine goes up/down all day/week - so I just stick with the once a week.

    Good luck!
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    You should really only weigh yourself once a week at the same time. Your weight is going to fluctuate through the week anyway, weighing yourself everyday is going to drive you crazy!
  • adventuring
    I weigh every day as well because I know it doesn't bother me and I like to see those changes in my weight over a days time. I use it for additional markers actually. As in, I was pleased not only when I entered onederland but when I stopped tipping into the two hundreds by the end of the day. It's just a personal thing.
  • mwelch1105
    I agree. I used to be obsessed with weighing myself all the time. I would even do it 3-5 times a day. It was excessive. I made my husband hide my scale, and only weigh in weekly (saturday mornings when I wake up). If you want to do it more often, maybe weigh in once on saturday/sunday/beginning of the week, and again on wednesday morning. That way, you can keep track, and make sure you don't get off track. Weight fluctuates so much, its hard to really see progress when you do it all the time. One time i weighed myself, and not even 2 hours later, I did it again and was 2 lbs lighter. But when I weighed in the next morning, I was back up to the weight I started at the day before. I hate it! Just focus on your goal. Remember, the number on the scale doesn't define who you are!!!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I am the same thing. I have been weighing myself everyday even before I started logging my food intake. Just because I see my scale everyday. And yes, it is uncommon for me to see 3-4 lbs fluctuation in my weight in a matter of 8 hrs. Worse, I sometimes weight myself twice a day. But I only log it every so often. I guess my constant weighing is just my way of finding out how I did for the day. Just be prepared to see numbers you were not expecting to see. I am used to it now. I don't feel bad or discouraged. It is normal. But if huge changes in numbers everyday make you worry, then I think it is best to weight yourself once a week.
  • eau_de_vie
    eau_de_vie Posts: 13 Member
    I'm an everyday weigher as well. I like to see how my food choices affect my water retention/weight.
  • XiaoRuRu
    XiaoRuRu Posts: 83
    Awesome! Thanks for all the insight guys! I thought feeling like a yo-yo was just how I am. But apparently not! Yeah!
    I know now what I have to do!

    Feel free to friend add!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I weigh every day as well because I know it doesn't bother me and I like to see those changes in my weight over a days time. I use it for additional markers actually. As in, I was pleased not only when I entered onederland but when I stopped tipping into the two hundreds by the end of the day. It's just a personal thing.

    Yep, to me seeing those numbers I have never seen before kinda makes me smile when I get off the scale. These days, even my heaviest weight during the day or the week, still makes me smile.
  • moonflower09
    moonflower09 Posts: 91 Member
    I have gone through this same dilemma for ages. I think the biggest this you mentioned is wanting to see if you made progress. I have taken myself off daily weigh ins and opted for 1 x a week. It was nerve wracking at first but such a blessing. I went to p/u my daughter to take her to the bus stop. She had a cup of coffee for me. In the old days I would not have been able to drink it cuz I hadnt weighed in. The scale obsessed me.
    Now I judge my progress on my food tracking, exercising, water intake, etc. My clothes are getting looser, I am calmer w/o daily weigh ins. If you are tracking your intake, staying w/in your calories, exerercising and drinking water....YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. No matter what the scale says.
    Good luck it is a journey.:tongue:
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I weigh in every morning & record in my food notes....only officially update in MFP once a week

    Sue :smile: x
  • Ally1104
    Ally1104 Posts: 18
    I only count my weigh-ins on Sunday mornings....I usually work my butt off on Saturdays at work so I see a nice number on the scale. But that doesn't mean I don't weigh myself every day some weeks. That is a habit I am trying to break because its not mentally helping me. I keep telling myself I'm doing this to be healthy and I feel pretty healthy most days....so if thats the case why am I constantly needing to verify that the scale is going down?