Anyone lost the weight regained then lost again?



  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Most people have gained, lost, gained, lost n times. Few of us, and I almost include myself in this group, have figured out how to stop that sinusoidal cycle.
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    edited April 2019
    Yes happens to a lot of us! was about 175 in 2010, lost to 127 and maintained for a little bit, then started an absolutely soul-sucking job for 2 years and then was unemployed working crappy contracts here and there and gained to 191 in Jan 2018 I started losing weight again and am currently at 146 hoping to get back down to 127.

    For me it's all mental, I eat my bad feelings so if life is going well losing/maintaining is easy but as soon as life throws me a curve ball I crumble, I need to work on that if I am to succeed at keeping the weight off this time because life will happen either way.

    For me intuitive eating does not work, my "stop eating you're satiated" signal is broken so I will be a life long calorie tracker. I think once I've maintained for a year or so I will relax and only weigh/track calorie dense foods like cheese and avocado but I do plan on doing this forever.
  • Opalescent_Topaz
    Opalescent_Topaz Posts: 130 Member
    Yes, many times (4 times throughout my twenties, all coinciding with big life changes). But I seem to have figured it out now. This weight loss took longer, but the habits appear to be sticking around, even through stressful stuff and a life change.

    My thirties are looking thin. Woot. (Though that first year was not thin at all, to be fair.)
  • Opalescent_Topaz
    Opalescent_Topaz Posts: 130 Member
    Yes happens to a lot of us! was about 175 in 2010, lost to 127 and maintained for a little bit, then started an absolutely soul-sucking job for 2 years and then was unemployed working crappy contracts here and there and gained to 191 in Jan 2018 I started losing weight again and am currently at 146 hoping to get back down to 127.

    For me it's all mental, I eat my bad feelings so if life is going well losing/maintaining is easy but as soon as life throws me a curve ball I crumble, I need to work on that if I am to succeed at keeping the weight off this time because life will happen either way.

    For me intuitive eating does not work, my "stop eating your satiated" signal is broken so I will be a life long calorie tracker. I think once I've maintained for a year or so I will relax and only weigh/track calorie dense foods like cheese and avocado but I do plan on doing this forever.

    Wow, you're like my weight loss twin. Nearly all of this is samesies for me, except timeline. Good luck on your journey, friend. You can do it!
  • DarkTwain
    DarkTwain Posts: 130 Member
    I'm on my...let's say 3rd journey. A few years ago I joined MFP at 300+, dropped 75 lbs. I got a little too into the social side of the app and when I needed a break from that I took a break from the app altogether thinking I could do it all by myself. Then I had a second job which stopped me from going to the gym. My living situation changed and it was less home cooked meals and I crept back to 300+. I got back to my routine but this time I only got to 40 lbs lost before I slowly started to lose motivation and reached my heaviest ever weight. And so it brings me here where I've lost 10 lbs, dropped a pant size but have a way to go. Nearing 30, the lbs drop a little slower but as long as they're dropping I think I'll be okay. I know I can do it, cuz I have done it twice. 3rd times the charm.
  • Ziaki
    Ziaki Posts: 18 Member
    When I graduated highschool in 2005 I decided to try to lose weight and start dating. I got down to 160.

    I met my husband in 2006. After I moved I got up to 220+ lbs.

    I had a wake up call when I finally got my husband to admit that he wasn't as physically attracted to me as he once was. We had a discussion about it and we both agreed to try to get back in shape.

    I got down to 170, hit a plateau, quit and gain some of it back.

    A year or two later I got super serious and I got down to 140. I was in the best shape of my life.

    Skipping details, life kind of punched me in the face and I gained almost all of my weight back.

    Last year at work we had a biggest loser challenge and I started at 204 and got down to 183.

    This year we decided to do it again. I started this year at 188 and I'm now back down to 176 with 5 more weeks of our challenge left. I plan to keep going past our challenge this year and try to get back down to that 140.

    Maintaining can be just as challenging as losing and I'm walking proof. You really just have to realize that being healthy is a lifestyle change you have to stick to forever. It's not something you can just do for a few months then go back to old habits. It just doesn't work that way.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I have probably lost and gained 1,000 pounds if not more over my lifetime. The biggest swings have come in the last few years. 8 years ago I lost 106lbs going from 236 to 130. I then gained 143lbs taking me up to 273lbs. Lost 74lbs down to 199, and most recently gained 47lbs getting back up to 246. I'm currently in the losing phase. Every time I lose weight it gets harder and harder. If I don't lose it and make it stick this time, I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to. #debbiedowner
  • PeaceQT18
    PeaceQT18 Posts: 56 Member
    So far I've been working out 3-4x a week alternating from Boot camp, Kickboxing, Zumba and Pilate's going on 5 weeks and have not seen any weight loss results... Very disappointed...

    I am looking to loose another 20-30 lbs but I haven't dropped any weight what so ever... I am also eating healthy, I've been on a low carb diet kinda like Keto but not strict keto for almost 1 year now. The recent 10lbs have been the worse. I've been fluctuating on and off 180-190lbs and it's driving me up the wall... I want to drop another 30lbs but these 10lbs don't want to leave me. When I have a bad weekend I easily gain 8-10lbs on the weekend alone, does anyone else have a weight gain like that? Its ridiculous. It takes me all week to loose 5-8lbs and on one bad day I gain it all back... Total BS!!!!

    Any suggestions????
  • jeichelb83
    jeichelb83 Posts: 172 Member
    Went from 148 to 108 (in about a year and a half) then hovered around 112-115 for while. Then the holidays hit and I ballooned back up to 130. Currently at 129 and hoping to work my way to at least 120 so my two pairs of "skinny" jeans (their not really that type, I just call them that) will fit comfortably. I don't need to go as low as I did, then they almost fell off lol.
  • _faedreamer
    _faedreamer Posts: 56 Member
    My highest weight was 288. I got down to 219 in 2015 and then got sick and ended up gaining back up to 257. A couple rough starts and stops in the past year got me down to 237 and I am currently finally finding my groove. Down fifteen pounds in the last three weeks and confident I'm going to get to goal (160 ish) this time and stay there. Or maybe even less, we'll see!
  • Daisy_Girl2019
    Daisy_Girl2019 Posts: 209 Member
    I was tiny about from age 16 to 20. My weight was around 100-106 lbs. I did it the unhealthy way. There were days I didn't eat to maintain that weight. I was young and dumb.
    Fast forward- I got married and had 1 pregnancy, I just didn't care and my weight got up to 170's lbs. I felt awful about myself. I took nutrition class and learned how to calorie count.
    Anyways, now my CW is 125lbs. I feel much better. Planning to losing 5-10lbs more.
    I am planning on getting pregnant later this year so I expect to gain about 30lbs total. I don't mind gaining weight anymore since I know how to lose it without starving myself.