So, I’m out 🚶🏾‍♂️walking near my job, and the disabled man was in the middle of the traffic lane😳.

Cars were slowing down, honking and cursing at him. "Hey! Get the 🤬🖕🏾 off the road, you hopeless idiot."

🤷🏾‍♂️ Even a cop drove passed, looked and did not bother to assist the disabled man.

Then I came to this aid and wheeled him back onto the sidewalk.
... ♿️

Keep stepping and helping people.

~ Rodney Shares



  • RAC56
    RAC56 Posts: 433 Member
    Of course you stopped to help! That's what makes you our Rodney! You've got a beautiful heart, my friend!! Well done! {{{HUGS}}}