Accountability buddy

Honeyacid Posts: 115 Member
I'm 150lbs, with a BMI that considers me to be overweight. On my first week of exercise and dieting I was super motivated, but now, I'll admit that I've been slacking a lot. Instead of weights and veggies comforting me, I've been binging on sugar treats along with highly processed foods. Because of this, I need someone to keep me accountable, because I will literally end up eating my entire pantry lol :s


  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm trying to eat less processed junk food as well.
  • MargaretMEM
    MargaretMEM Posts: 5 Member
    It is really imporyant ro not be earing a lot if carbs or sugar as excess carbs are stored in your body as sugar and sugars lead yo an overabundance in your body wgmhich your owncreas and liver cannot process leading to diabetes and other organ problems. I know I am busy and you are too. I meed to go ro rhe gym today so I am going to go for a 45 minute cardio elliptical. It is umportant to state one small thing to do today and just do that.Pnce that's done, you can decide if you want to stop or continue. I sm a kinesiology student but sm also concerned about keeping people moving (aka "physical literacy"). What will you be doing today to move?
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I am trying to get back on track too. Added you - let's do this together!