Need some food criticism

I recently made the decision to throw away my scale and not get weighed til I go into seeing my doctor in December.

A short bio on me (since my profile is private): My highest weight was 247 in February 2009 the day I gave birth to my son. I have gotten as low as 143lbs. I'm 152 right now, and have a goal weight of 130, vanity goal weight of 120. I'm a runner, and only eat 1,200 a day. Debating on upping to 1500 since I'm running a half marathon next month and I'm trying to run it in under 2 hours.

My diary is open. Please tell me what you think might need improvement. Diary is already filled out for the day. Still need 75 more calories for the day to hit 1,200 (will probably be an apple - haven't decided yet). Especially if you're a runner or endurance athlete, I'd really love to hear feedback.


  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't know what you're looking for. You seem to eat pretty lean and whole, I just don't know how you're still standing upright with eating so few calories and burning so many.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    By eating so few calories, you're setting yourself up for disaster. The idea is to get as close to your goal as possible, not as far under it as possible. When you eat so little, your body holds onto the fat it has, because it's preparing to starve.
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Bravo on healthy food choices! My suggestion is to increase your carbs (with "good carbs"). Maybe bananas, broccoli, zuchini, green beans, berries and I'm not one to knock pasta, as needed, although I know some who eat low-carb aren't a fan. Basically, I think upping to 1500 cals as a baseline (before activity) is a good idea. Then eat veggies and fruits to make up your difference. As a distance runner, I believe you need a good bit more fuel than this... but as far as your actual food choices, looks great to me.
  • ericacaldwell
    ericacaldwell Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, bravo on good food choices! I think you'd be very interested in a book i read that changed my life. Its called The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. Google it, go to the library, check it out! I think you'd be very interested!

    Also, remember how they say breakfast is the most important part of the day? You go 8 - 10 hours since dinner to your next meal, you have to make it count. I really really believe in small meals 200-300 calories every 2-3 hours to keep the metabolism going so it will continue to burn fat. I think you should choose eggs and oatmeal. Eat complex carbs (whol egrain, fruits and or veggies) and protein at every meal.

    The only other thing (you do a great job!) is i would ditch the liquid egg whites because of the massive amounts of sodium and additives, and choose real egg whites. I buy 3 cartons at a time at the grocery store, and it last me about a week. Eggs are the a complete protein, get the real stuff! Studies have shown that people that eat 2 eggs in the morning burned more fat and lost more weight than people that ate any other breakfast, Google that too! (im big on google, lol)
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Hello, bravo on good food choices! I think you'd be very interested in a book i read that changed my life. Its called The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. Google it, go to the library, check it out! I think you'd be very interested!

    Also, remember how they say breakfast is the most important part of the day? You go 8 - 10 hours since dinner to your next meal, you have to make it count. I really really believe in small meals 200-300 calories every 2-3 hours to keep the metabolism going so it will continue to burn fat. I think you should choose eggs and oatmeal. Eat complex carbs (whol egrain, fruits and or veggies) and protein at every meal.

    The only other thing (you do a great job!) is i would ditch the liquid egg whites because of the massive amounts of sodium and additives, and choose real egg whites. I buy 3 cartons at a time at the grocery store, and it last me about a week. Eggs are the a complete protein, get the real stuff! Studies have shown that people that eat 2 eggs in the morning burned more fat and lost more weight than people that ate any other breakfast, Google that too! (im big on google, lol)

    Great idea. I'm definitely going to do that (the egg whites). I love them for the convenience factor but I'm going to go through my carton and then just go to straight eggs. I just love egg whites though. :)

    Great book recommendation. Going to pick it up. I read Oxygen magazine so I'll definitely like anything by Tosca. Thank you!
  • ericacaldwell
    ericacaldwell Posts: 5 Member
    oh yes girl oxygen mag is amazing!! and tosca is amazing too. !!!!