Panic Attacks & Social Anxiety.

Do any of you experience either of the two? If so, how do you cope with it? My social anxiety and panic attacks are getting much worse. It's getting to the point that I can't even leave the house a majority of the time. I don't have health insurance, so I cannot go see a psychologist. Any tips to ease my panic attack symptoms?


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have them both, I really only leave the house to go to work and my best friends.
    Exercise helps a lot with stress relief though I have found. :)
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    I have them both, I really only leave the house to go to work and my best friends.
    Exercise helps a lot with stress relief though I have found. :)

    It's nice to know I'm not alone. Thank you. :)
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    For me, I had to work out what triggered my very first panic attack. Once youve identified why you had one, it helps to understand it more. Mine was when I was in school assembly, I felt very unwell, but as I was sitting in the middle of the hall, I couldnt get out, which made me panic and have a panic attack. From then on until after I left school, I always had to sit on the edge of the class nearest the door, had to sit on a special table in exams on my own. I still get them no (at 27), but I just try to relax, tell myself nothing is going to happen, Im not going to die (even when you feel like you are). I hope this helps. The best thing is talking to people who have had them too as they understand what you are going through. Its hard sometimes to talk to people who have never had anything like this before, as to them you are just "being silly", but you're not.

    If you ever need to talk, please feel free to friend me..
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    If you can use apps, try some of the Andrew Johnson one's, Relax etc. I would absolutely recommend some self help books, they are full of hints and tips. For example, when my mind is racing at night, visualise a stop sign coming towards you continually. Really hard to concentrate on the (un-necessary) anxiety causing thought with a stop sign in the way! There are loads like this, lying still and thinking about all your thoughts and concerns being put onto a balloon and imagining yourself letting go of the balloon and watching it drift away...there are loads like it some will work for you and some won't. Also some people do well with tapping with Social Anxiety, you can put a hair band around your wrist and just ping it quietly, it will break the thought pattern. You definitely need to get as much exercise as you can - enough to make you sweaty at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes - not about the calorie burn but you need to increase the endorphins. When you are having a panic attack, tell yourself repeatedly that you are ok, you are feeling fine, you're just a little tired etc and that this feeling is going to pass really quickly. Breathe deeply and stay calm. Add me if you'd like some support, 8 years ago I was on the floor, I had a full nervous breakdown and was about to become an in-patient, I had to go to the Drs daily to show them I wasn't taking all my pills. I went on anti-depressants, tranquilisers (which I ditched immediately, they made the attacks much worse!) and beta-blockers which I'd recommend to get you through a bad patch. I took all the advice I could obtain, I know you can't afford counselling but if you ever get the opportunity try and get some Cognitive Behavour Therapy - it changed my life. I can't say it 100% went away (just reading your post made my chest tighten!) but I have realised this is just a little part of me, I'm lucky, I don't have cancer, or HIV to deal with, just a little chest ache from time to time! I have loads of little tips, just ping me any time you want but for me if I start feeling bad 1) I'm very regimented on my sleep 2) No coffee and absolutely no alcohol until I'm right, coffee is a stimulant and you don't need that making your nerves jangle, and the alcohol is a depressant which you also don't need 3) I am very selfish with your time, if you need a day off take it. 4) Exercise! Also DON'T read the blogs on panic disorder if you aren't feeling well, some people are in a dark place at the time of writing them and it will feed your anxiety, you'll never be that bad if you follow the 'rules' on how to stay well.
  • Mucky_Duck
    Well I can pass on my wisdom learned from 5 years of pyschotherapists, psychiatrists and various treatment methods if it helps. Learning mindfulness and practicing meditation have been particularly useful for the panic attacks. When I feel my heart starting to pulse a bit too fast or my thoughts threaten to spiral I always try to go back to focusing on my breath. Just let it out really slowly while thinking "1,2,3" and then inhaling slowly doing the same. I find I most easily fall into panic when I spend too much time within myself so doing physical things and focusing on sensations really do help. My doctor used to prescribe I spend lots of time outdoors and just to get absorbed by nature.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    if you're in high school or college go talk to your nurse or health services! lots of time there are free services available.
  • HisSonbeamer
    Greeat words of advice and encouragement!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    i actully was just diagnosed with social anxiety disorder before i left for college. my panic attacks have gotten less fequent but they arnt about normal things, they are about.... like. "ahh i dont have enough money for groceries im gonna have to put something back at the counter and look like a loser. i wont get my college financial aid in time ill have to drop out" stuff thats likely not going to happen but i still worry about alot. i HAVE to deal with it tho. i am the FIRST one in my family to go to college. its alot of presure. i did online school last year because i was so messed up. yesterday i did orientation of my college. ****en 5 floors. thats really hard to get used to after being homeschooled. im running around trying to find my classes and breathing way to fast....i get through it by having people who know what i go through. my mom for example calls me every night even tho i live 200 miles away from her. she knows just how i like things to be done and handled and makes experiences easier. example everyone was saying i didnt need my school books on the first day (they are 700 dollars and i dont have that at the moment) and my mom was like "no she needs the books in her hand on the first day" or i would be worrying if i was the only one w/o them or if they are going to assign me homework and i cant do it.... my boyfriend has taken over the spot that my partents once filled. he takes me to orientation walks me around a college he dosnt even go to. he is storng for me because he knows who i am. i had a job interview a few days ago that i almost wanted to just forget. nothing will be as easy as my last job and i prolly wont make good friends.... i was freaking out and he said "i would wish you good luck, but i know you dont need it" i went into the interview and got the job on the spot. i have HAD to learn that even tho i think somehting is going to be scarry, i just do it. because i have to i have to have a job i have to go to college i have to survive. i make myself do it and try to act somewhat comfortable even when i want to cry inside..medisonal ways work for me too if you know what i mean. ;] but thats prolly why i weight so much now.
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    Thank you for all the advice, guys. <3 Means a lot.