1lb weekly targets

I made my 1lbs target on my first week tracking. Woo!

Who else is on target this week?

I'm not gonna look at big picture. Small weekly targets I'm hoping will keep me motivated

Happy Friday folks


  • flintflash1
    flintflash1 Posts: 1,066 Member
    VERY SMART to work towards the small targets. They add up to the BIG target, so staying on course will only lead to the big picture. CONGRATS on week #1. Keep the BABY STEPS going. After awhile, you look back and those baby steps add up to MILES!! WELL DONE!! :)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    What @apullum said. Now would be a good time to read:


    Congrats on your first week. Small goals tend to keep people from worrying about how long it takes to get the bigger one(s). I also think it is good thing to tell yourself that you are in no hurry because it doesn't do any good to be in a hurry anyway.

  • roobella
    roobella Posts: 59 Member
    Well done everyone
    Thanks for all the advice :D
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    WTG- keep up the good work! you can do it!