how can I get rid of 'love handles'?

Can some one please suggest any exercises etc I can use to get rid of my 'love' handles?


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    diet and exercise. You can't spot reduce. I suggest you do some strength training and cardio as you'll see much more benefits than just doing one.
  • Lyrinosis
    If you work out and perform strength training, you will build the muscles, but the fat will still be there. So sadly, you bust eat very well and exercise. Once the fat come off, so will the handles.
  • loseatonlady
    diet and exercise. You can't spot reduce. I suggest you do some strength training and cardio as you'll see much more benefits than just doing one.

    TOTALLY agree - he is spot on! Patience & self discipline help too ... 8)
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 241 Member
    Thanks for your comments! Guess it is all just about lots of hard work :)
  • londanfudd4eva
    amy dixon has some workouts on exercise tv( comcast or website) that work that area really good its called am standing abs
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 241 Member
    Wow ty - will check out her videos! :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    because its the area you want to lose fastest, it will probably be the area you lose last. lol, thats just how weight loss works.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    unfortunately theres no exercise that can spot-reduce your belly. you need to do a cardio plus strength training exercise to melt that love handles. sit-ups can tone your ab muscles but you'll still having those belly fat if you don't do aerobics to burn it off.
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 241 Member
    thank you guys!
  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    I have been doing insanity and have seen a big difference in my love handles area it is all about the core and interval training. I have no other word to use than to describe it as insane! lol :bigsmile:
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    youtube - 8 minute workout

    you have to tie it in with cardio, but it kicked my butt the first time i did it!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    'Special' Crunches - C Sit Rotation and Side Crunches. Does it for me!
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 241 Member
    thank u all for the fab tips :)