Newly Pregnant During My Weight Loss Journey...

JBeau816 Posts: 3
edited October 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
I am assuming that because I'm so large it's ok to still lose weight while pregnant... to me it seems like it's almost imperritive! I weight a few pounds more right now than I did the day I delivered my 1st son 3 1/4 years ago!! So the 60lbs I gained during my pregnancy with him where lost and gained back over the this time and then added to, and now I'm expecting again :( I'm happy about the new baby because we really wanted another child - I was just hoping I'd get more weight off before we got a positive result.

Any medical experts or someone going through similar situation on here with any advice about continuing to lose while prego?!! Right now the calorie counter says to lose 1lb a week I'm aloud 1900 calories... It's my intention to stay around that number - trying not to exceed 2200 (extra 300 cals the baby needs)...

All advice taken with a grain of salt.. looking forward to your replies


  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I would talk to your OB about a safe plan while you are pregnant. I was obese when I got pregnant and my doctor wasn't concerned I lost for the first 4 months due to morning sickness, but I wasn't trying to lose. I'm sure your OB can help you come up with a safe way to eat and excercise during your pregnancy.
  • kathetakite
    kathetakite Posts: 16 Member
    I just had a my 2nd baby on June 4th and starting out I weighed the same as I did when I got pregnant with my first. When I delivered baby #2 I had not gained a pound, so in reality I lost about 15 while pregnant. I asked my OB about this during my 2nd trimester and he said at a certain point they don't worry about weight gain at all for him it was 200lbs. Talk to your OB but I would think as long as you are getting the calories and nutrients you and baby need it should be ok
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    i wouldn't intentionally TRY to lose.. just continue to make healthy eating choices. don't use this as an excuse to eat whatever you want (like MANY people do..). I have a friend that was in your shoes, and she continued to eat healthy throughout her pregnancy.. she ended up 40lbs lighter than when she found out she was pregnant. :) as far as excercising, definitely consult your doctor.
  • HisButterfly
    HisButterfly Posts: 22 Member
    Congratulations on your new addition.....and your weight loss!!! All I know is when I was pregnant with my son I was overweight and actually losing weight (not trying too) becuase I was so sick all the time and my OBGYN said it was perfectly fine because my son was growing exactly as he should be (as evidenced by being measured, monitored, and ultrasounds....all routine anyway, of course) and I was taking my prenatals. He said that the baby will take what it needs from the body first and everything left (nutrition wise) would be for me, so as long as I felt ok and the baby continued to measure fine than there was nothing to worry about :) I ended up not gaining any additional weight with him.....but I think I did gain a few lbs back towards the end of my pregnancy that were lost initially, but still delivered at a lesser weight. I am sure your Dr can advise you on that though at your next appt. Hope that helps!!
  • jessicaklessig
    jessicaklessig Posts: 25 Member
    when I was pregnant last year my ob told me I could do a maintain plan. She said she would be happy with that , some times maintaining the weight you will come out lighter in the end of pregnancy. I on the other hand could not exercise for the first three months because of some spotting . Everyone is different
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    There isn't any good research on this because it isn't exactly ethical to experiment on pregnant ladies. Definitely talk to your OB and if possible if there is a nutritionist in your area that is experienced or expert in working with pregnant women i would go there.

    Barring anything else, focus very closely on hitting micronutrients as well. I favor to keep up with this stuff.

    I have heard doctors who wanted to see pregnant ladies maintain weight (which results in a net body fat loss), gain but a smaller amount, and some who were perfectly happy to have overweight or obese women lose. No one is going to know your complete medical history as well as your doctor. There are many other things to look at besides weight.
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    An extra 300cals for the baby?????

    In the UK the advice from the NHS is you need no more calories in the first 2 trimesters (So thats 1800 a day for me) and only an extra 200 in the last trimester.

    Trying to lose weight while pregnant is not going to threaten the life of you or your baby but it does need to be done under doctors supervision. However trying to maintain your weight is still an achieveable goal with the calories I have mentioned above. Breastfeeding with help with weightloss afterwards :wink: or all the running around you will do!

    Best of luck :)
  • hey, congrats! I just had my third baby in Feb :)
    I started out overweight-borderline obese at the beginning of my last pregnancy. My OB recommended I gain no more than 15lbs. I gailed 50. Whoops. LOL but he never told me to lose weight, and most OBs will never tell a pregnanct woman to lose weight intentionally while pregnant. However, if you are careful and put meaningful calories in, you could gain minimal weight and be ok since you are over weight already. Another reason dieting while pregnant (aside from restricting needed calories, vitamins, fats, etc) is that when you see the scale going up (baby, GD, water weight, mild edema (swelling)) you may be worse off emotionally. So, remember you have minimal control over what you weigh throughout pregnancy..... (PS I blew up because of pre eclampsia in the end, which i had no control over)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I have lost 10 lbs ... but that was after gaining close to 20 before being diagnosed with gestational diabetes so I really have to watch what I put in my mouth. That helps me a lot because the only thing I wanted while going through the all day nausea in the beginning were CARBS!! Now that I have to limit them I'm not gaining much at all.
    I am under the supervision of an excellent OB and a nurse at the diabetic clinic PLUS a nutritionist.

    Congratulations and best of luck!!
  • danimoon67
    danimoon67 Posts: 38 Member
    I was obese with my last two pregnancies. With my daughter I only gained 6 pounds throughout the whole pregnancy, actually lost quite a bit in the first trimester (didn't even know I was pg, long story). When I delivered her, I weighed less than when I got pg. My last little guy, I gained 12 lbs and again weighed less than when I got pg at delivery. My doctors were very happy. I was monitored very closely (because I was 40 *GASP*).

    I had been actively losing weight when I got pregnant with my daughter, but once I found out I was pregnant, my focus in regards to eating was more about making sure I ate healthy to have a healthy baby.

    It's now been 3 years since my last peanut was born and I am at the healthiest weight I've been in about 20 years. My advice, focus on a healthy diet for a healthy baby and maintaining your weight.

    Congrats and good luck.
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I am interested in hearing about other people's experiences, too. I am very early in my pregnancy and won't be able to see my OB for a few more weeks. However, I hope to at least maintain in this first trimester. I see no need for a healthy but obese woman who is eating proper nutrients and sufficient calories and taking prenatal vitamins to be forced to put on extra weight at this point in the pregnancy. As for later on, I'll obviously see how the baby is growing and listen to my doctors' advice, but I'm hoping they will be looking for a modest gain at most. I see no need to increase my risk for GD, pre-e or other conditions any further than they are already based on my current weight!
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