How can I develop thighs and not calves?

This may seem like an odd question but I'm trying to build muscle in my thighs and I seem to be over developing or building more muscle in my calves then I would like. I want to continue building muscle in my thighs but I don't want any more muscle in my calves and actually I would rather some of the muscle in my calves go away. Is this even possible?

What I have to work with is a pair of power blocks and body weight so all my lower body workouts come from the elliptical and strength training generally through following Fitness blender videos which target the lower body, holding weights.

I'm not having the same results that I did a few years back I'm not sure what I'm doing differently... At one point in the past I had a gym membership so I would use the machines to isolate my thigh muscles or us now I'm mainly working my upper legs while I'm standing. I stand all day at work which doesn't help.

I'm toying with getting a leg machine for home so I can isolate my thigh muscles without using my calves as much with this help?

when I broke my foot 2 years ago I lost a lot of muscle in my right leg my calf muscle look really good, very slim like I've wanted but lost all the muscle in my thigh still trying to rebuild the muscles there.

While we're at it my whole back side is flat now we're used to be pretty round do I need to develop the back of my thighs more? I do lots of butt lift toning videos for my butt and it's lifting off but it's just not around anymore??


  • ca_josh
    ca_josh Posts: 35 Member
    Squats, squats and more squats.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I would imagine you don't do any isolated calf work, obviously I would stop doing that if you do. Unfortunately I have the same issue and it is very difficult to not engage my calves in my lower body work, but if I do anything and feel my calves I will cut that exercise out or modify it. But good news is they haven't increased in size despite running multiple bulk cycles, they haven't gone down though. However building up the rest of my legs helped overshadow them. That will probably be your best bet.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hm.. you might need to look into quad and hamstring specific exercises and not stuff that has you jumping around on your tippy toes (that would help calves to grow). I'm afraid I don't really have suggestions for at home workout for quads and hamstrings apart from lunges and stuff like that but just try a Google of some sort.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    My legs have gotten much leaner from jogging. Elliptical actually under-works your calves relative to running and cycling. Maybe you need to burn them a bit more.
  • justinejacksonm
    justinejacksonm Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you for your responses!!! Do you think just standing, alone, all day at work can be contributing factor to all the muscle my calves have developed???? I don't like it 😞
  • ca_josh
    ca_josh Posts: 35 Member
    Unfortunately, a lot of it is just genetics 🧬! No matter how much I work on my chest, my shoulders grow and my chest stays the same. lol.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thank you for your responses!!! Do you think just standing, alone, all day at work can be contributing factor to all the muscle my calves have developed???? I don't like it 😞

    Are you wearing heels? That could be a factor. At the end of the day your genetics will have a lot to do with it and you may just have to accept them.
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    So many aspiring members...only the truly genetic elite of **** calve genetics allowed in though. Lead by Omar Isuf
  • LaDivaNicotina
    LaDivaNicotina Posts: 11 Member
    Calves are more genetics (and I think) what you did as a kid. I have gigantic calves. Always have since I was a kid. I remember being mortified when a B-Ball coach looked at my calves years ago and said something to the extent of "those look like Popeyes' arms!". You may not be old enough to remember Popeye but he had gigantic forearms and not huge upper arms. I road an old bike as a kid that I swear had wooden (or at least solid rubber) tires. I was the youngest of six and my brothers and sisters couldn't even peddle the thing and I rode this thing all afternoon for miles and miles. I think that's where they came from.

    I kind of crack up now when those that want bigger calves look at mine still (now) envious. You can't build them up too much. Ask people that don't have them!

    Same! I have 'tree-trunk' calves, which is what my brother told me when I was kid and I've never forgotten. I don't wear shorts, I only wear black pants to try to slim the look of 'em, etc. They are super muscular from genetics and carrying around so much extra weight - it sucks.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Squats, squats and more squats
  • justinejacksonm
    justinejacksonm Posts: 75 Member
    So many aspiring members...only the truly genetic elite of **** calve genetics allowed in though. Lead by Omar Isuf

    I didn't used to have any until this most recent get back in shape thing that started within the last year. I had a nice sexy toned calves but they weren't muscular. The only two factors I can consider why it's different this time around is again standing all day at work and no I don't wear heels and all my strength training consisting of dumbbells generally doing standing moves rather than isolating my thighs on leg machines at the gym.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Is this an image thing and fat distribution? It's rather hard and long to build big calves. Also, how big are your calves?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Is this an image thing and fat distribution? It's rather hard and long to build big calves. Also, how big are your calves?

    Not if you have genetics on your side. I have had large muscular calves since I was a kid ! Ooof. :|
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited May 2019
    sardelsa wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Is this an image thing and fat distribution? It's rather hard and long to build big calves. Also, how big are your calves?

    Not if you have genetics on your side. I have had large muscular calves since I was a kid ! Ooof. :|

    Fair point.

    ETA: Most of the time when I see these threads, most of the women have much smaller calves than they feel they do. Often measuring smaller than my biceps, which aren't huge. But, like with all things, there are exceptions.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Is this an image thing and fat distribution? It's rather hard and long to build big calves. Also, how big are your calves?

    Not if you have genetics on your side. I have had large muscular calves since I was a kid ! Ooof. :|

    Fair point.

    ETA: Most of the time when I see these threads, most of the women have much smaller calves than they feel they do. Often measuring smaller than my biceps, which aren't huge. But, like with all things, there are exceptions.

    Well I mean mine are large relative to the rest of my legs and rest of my body. I am sure my calves compared to many other women are smaller, but it's about the ratio.
  • justinejacksonm
    justinejacksonm Posts: 75 Member
    Here's some pics of my calves for reference. They're definitely more muscular than they used to be.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Looking at the pictures, they look good to me. Not thin and not large with nice muscle development but not huge by any means. Possibly you are being harsh on yourself? Honestly, I think they look good.