need help with inner thighs

I have a ton of extra fat on my inner thighs and its disgusting...its my main problem area and I don't know how to work on it. Please help!


  • XiaoRuRu
    XiaoRuRu Posts: 83
    Me too! And stretch marks to boot!

    Unfortunately I have no solutions--but I'm with you!
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    cardio, cardio, cardio will help to burn fat along with proper diet, however I also like leg presses with my feet angled out to 45 degrees and push thru heel. I really feel it in my inner thighs
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Well you can't really do much to lose in one specific area but I have been doing Pilates & running (C25K) and my legs have been getting slimmer & stronger.

    I especially love the Pilates. I just do mat Pilates from instant videos on Netflix.
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    I know when I do some workouts the instructor says to do squats with your legs hip width apart and do them everyday, there are many that you can do to work that area out. I know they burn after a while and I can see a difference in my thighs already :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    You cannot spot reduce. As you lose fat it will go away, so maintain a moderate calorie deficit and exercise to strengthen the underlying muscles doing things like cycling, running, walking, squats and lunges. It time it will go away as all your fat goes away.
  • I've been told that side lunges help! Also, if you've ever seen Jillian Michaels' "sumo squat", those help as well!
    While standing, stretch your legs as far as you can, pointing your toes in either direction, squat down, and jump back up. Then repeat.
  • EWilliamson
    EWilliamson Posts: 50 Member
    CARDIO! Squats and Lunges! If you want a good workout and can stick to it go get Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and STICK TO IT ;) you will see results in no time! Good Luck ;)
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    There are these wonderful weight training machines at the gym called the ABDUCTOR - it specifically targets this area then you can switch it around and do the ADDUCTORS - Great for inside and outside thigh area...

    Also - pilates, yoga and cardio will help trim this.'

    Hope it helps
  • Hope this helps you, will try to explain how to do it:

    Sit on the floor with a sturdy chair, coffee table, end table or?? in front of you, with knees bent place your feet on the outside legs of the chair relax your shoulders with your hands at your side and "press" your feet together, hold for a slow count of 25 and repeat. I hope this makes sense, it comes from a book I aquired years ago called "Countdown to Callinetics" - It REALLY WORKS!
    Good Luck, Have Great Days Everyday!
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    squats squats and more squats! good for thighs and your booty ;)

    i have problems with my inner thighs and booty...i decided the other day to really make all my bathroom trips pay off. I started doing 10 squats (as deep as I can go) every time i went (after i was done of course... don't' want to wet myself ..hehe) i have done 200 squats the last 2 days and boy oh boy my thighs and buns are burning...i can tell they are getting tighter already. doing that is going to help strengthen the will definitely have to do cardio to help the weight come off.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    There is nothing you can do to lose there and nowhere else. Cardio will cause you to lose fat whereever your body decides to release it. Keep at it enough and the fat will eventually release from there as well. You can tone the muscles under the fat with squats and lunges so when the fat is gone they'll look lean.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You just have to keep at it and work to lose overall body fat and maintain as much muscle as possible. Your body and genetics decide where and when to get rid of fat. For me the very very last place is my thighs. I am close to a six back yet still have gross thighs.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    squats squats and more squats! good for thighs and your booty ;)

    i have problems with my inner thighs and booty...i decided the other day to really make all my bathroom trips pay off. I started doing 10 squats (as deep as I can go) every time i went (after i was done of course... don't' want to wet myself ..hehe) i have done 200 squats the last 2 days and boy oh boy my thighs and buns are burning...i can tell they are getting tighter already. doing that is going to help strengthen the will definitely have to do cardio to help the weight come off.

    thanks for the suggestion!!!
  • There are these wonderful weight training machines at the gym called the ABDUCTOR - it specifically targets this area then you can switch it around and do the ADDUCTORS - Great for inside and outside thigh area...

    Also - pilates, yoga and cardio will help trim this.'

    Hope it helps

    LOVE this machine! Was thinking the same thing when I read the post. :)
  • Squatting below parallel: get your booty down as far as you can go. Send your butt back first, keep your chest up and strong, and drive your knees out. Don't push them together.
    Lunges. When you come up from a lunge push through your heels not your toes.
    Any sort of squat with weight (over head squat, back squat, front squat)
    Box jumps. You jump on a box then jump off it. Preferably one that is 20inch off the ground and sturdy (not made of cardboard :D).
    Running stairs.
    Hope this helps! :)
  • tackleb0x
    tackleb0x Posts: 2 Member
    Why do I see so many people say you cannot spot reduce when its so obviously wrong? Its like an excuse for people with stubborn areas. Sit ups shrink your stomache, leg lifts shrink your thighs, not rocket science.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Why do I see so many people say you cannot spot reduce when its so obviously wrong? Its like an excuse for people with stubborn areas. Sit ups shrink your stomache, leg lifts shrink your thighs, not rocket science.

    How? Those things strengthen the muscle. How does this magically remove the fat from above the muscle? I can do 80lbs on the hip abductor machine. I can easily leg press 100 lbs plus the sled. My thighs are still fat. I could do 100 crunches but if my stomach is fat, all you see is the fat, not the muscle.
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    there's no such thing as spot reduction. Gotta lose body fat overall, and over time it will go away, but genetics determines where you're going to lose your weight first really.
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I'm a fitness instructor. Here is the BEST ever for inner thighs. Get a stability ball and straddle it like you are riding a horse. Your knees should be pointing down towards the floor and feet behind you. Now squeeze the ball between your inner thighs. I have my class do a series of eight slow squeezes then squeeze really tight and do small pulses while squeezing it. (it's hard to describe!!) Do several sets of those and you will feel it the next day. If you don't feel it you need to make sure you are sitting on it with knees pointing down. Another good exercise is doing wide wide squats with one foot on a step riser, one foot on the floor. You can also do plies- really focus on pulling the knees together and using the inner thigh to pull you back up into a standing position. No you can't "spot reduce" as someone said, but you can target a particular muscle group to see improvement as the fat comes off through weight loss! Good luck!!