Breastfeeding Moms Caloric Intake

MereMe Posts: 312 Member
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
I am a nursing mother and am having trouble finding guidelines for caloric intake. I know should eat 500 calories more per day for proper lactation - somewhere I found that that range should be 1800-2500/day.

Does that mean to take your MFP goal and just add 500 calories per day? I already have it keyed in to take off 500 calories for breastfeeding so I can track it and not be "over" every day... If I only add the 500 extra (even if that just puts me at 1800), should I still lose 2lb/week or is there some vairance there?

For moms who have lost weight while breastfeeding, what was most sucessful for you? Any tips?

Side note: I work out every day - 45-60 minutes and my current weight is 224 if that matters for some reason. I'm wanting to lose 80 more pounds and am especially interested in chatting with moms who have met large weight loss like I am aiming for.

Thanks so much for any advice, tips, and especially previous experiences shared!


  • My son is 6 months old and eating lots of solids now so my nursing is going down. I couldn't figure it out either, so I put 1 calorie burned for every 1 minute of nursing. I'm sure that is really inaccurate, but I don't want to over estimate.:smile:
  • Malani2010
    Malani2010 Posts: 245
    I use it as a workout!!! So you put in your regular stuff and just put in the workouts that you burned 500 cal doing so many min of bf. Since it didn't have hrs as an option i put for however many min are in a day so like 1,440 burned 500 doing bf
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I took the MFP goal set to lose 1 lb/week and added 300 calories. They (you know, the almighty 'they') recommend between 200-400 extra calories a day. When I started to BF less frequently as son got older, I reduced it to 200 extra. This worked for me. You might have to try whatever you decide for a week or two and see how it works for you then make adjustments if necessary. Good luck.
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    I'd say that you are doing it the right way...I'm not nursing right now, but am a mommy that is trying to lose 100 lbs...I know that nursing can leave you without energy and totally drained (literally), so I'd say that adding 500 calories a day to make up for it is a good way to compensate for nursing! Keep it up and you should be down in no time! Good luck!
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    How old is your baby? is the baby only on breast milk? then, yes, up to 500 c. If the baby is older and eating other foods, then add 200-300 c. and make sure those are the most nutritionally sound one. otherwise, evolutionary we made that way, first baby, than mom. My mom had 5 cavities after she breast feed us for 10 months. I nursed my baby for a year, first 7 months only breast milk and I was fine, even my dentist got surprised, she said many moms that nurse get cavities. I was sure I would get all the nutrients and minerals. Plus I lost weight without trying... once I stop, I put 2 lb back, I got used of those extra 200 calories.
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    Also, I want to tell you you're doing the best for your baby!! Yes, that deserve some recognition!
  • I'm not really sure how many "extra" calories you are supposed to have. I do know that every time I have tried to cut back, my milk supply has decreased. I guess my body likes all of the calories I have been eating.

    I too have about 80 pounds that I need to lose. The sad part is that I can't really blame it on "baby weight" since I have lost everything gained during pregnancy.

    I can't wait to see the advise you will get. I will probably only breastfeed for another month or two, but I need to start losing now. Hopefully we wil be given some encouragement.

    Way to go with working out for 45-60 minutes a day. I can't get motivated to exercise at all. I am working now, so as soon I as get home I just want to spend every single minute with the kids and husband. I am too tired after they go to sleep and to lazy to get up early in the morning.

    Happy Losing!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    How old is your baby? is the baby only on breast milk? then, yes, up to 500 c. If the baby is older and eating other foods, then add 200-300 c. and make sure those are the most nutritionally sound one. otherwise, evolutionary we made that way, first baby, than mom. My mom had 5 cavities after she breast feed us for 10 months. I nursed my baby for a year, first 7 months only breast milk and I was fine, even my dentist got surprised, she said many moms that nurse get cavities. I was sure I would get all the nutrients and minerals. Plus I lost weight without trying... once I stop, I put 2 lb back, I got used of those extra 200 calories.

    He is 3 weeks and exclusively BFing. I am also drinking Shakeology since it has tons of nutrients.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    I'm not really sure how many "extra" calories you are supposed to have. I do know that every time I have tried to cut back, my milk supply has decreased. I guess my body likes all of the calories I have been eating.

    I too have about 80 pounds that I need to lose. The sad part is that I can't really blame it on "baby weight" since I have lost everything gained during pregnancy.

    I can't wait to see the advise you will get. I will probably only breastfeed for another month or two, but I need to start losing now. Hopefully we wil be given some encouragement.

    Way to go with working out for 45-60 minutes a day. I can't get motivated to exercise at all. I am working now, so as soon I as get home I just want to spend every single minute with the kids and husband. I am too tired after they go to sleep and to lazy to get up early in the morning.

    Happy Losing!

    I only gained 3lb during pregnancy and was overweight prior as well. I lost 15lb after delivery and then started MFP. I've lost 12lb since - but in a rollercoaster soft of way - lose 1, gain half #, lose a few ounces, gain two pounds, lose, and yada yada - that's why I am assuming I am messing up somewhere.

    I am only motivated NOW because I have 3 kids - tired of being the "big" mom and not being able to keep up with them and play sports with them. I want to be a mom they are proud of when they grow up - not the one that avoided pics! I get up at 4, feed him, then go with a friend to workout - a combo of C25K and TurboFire. We workout until 6:30 and then I head home to get kids off to school and me off to work. I WAS too lazy, but I am finally at a place where I just cannot take being this size anymore. Nights are busy and I want my family time. I REALLY love to sleep, but decided being healthy (and alive) for my kids meant more than my pillow time. I hope you can find what motivates you and let's do this together! :)
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