Hello everybody!

Bullzyi Posts: 15 Member
Hello everyone. My name is Kim, I'm 22 years old and looking forward to losing weight! :)

My major weight loss goal is to lose about 200lbs in 20 months I've just recently checked my weight using the Wii fit board (the only scale I have so far) and it couldn't read my weight so I'm assuming I'm 330+ pounds so my Mini goal at the moment is to get under 330lbs so Wii fit can read my weight. I've just started exercising following Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I am currently on day 3, still a bit sore from day 1and 2 but the soreness means it's working right? :P

So I hope to find friends that can motivate me to lose those 200 pounds so I can:
-Stave off diseases such as Cancer, Heart disease, Diabetes, High-blood pressure, etc
-To Not be considered 'Morbidly Obese' and to be considered 'Healthy'
-To do things that I couldn't do before due to myself being so big such as fitting on amusement park rides, wearing clothes that are not 'XXL' ,and having more confidence in myself.

So wish me luck on my journey and good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey :3


  • allnewellie

    There's a thread called "Those with 100+ pounds to lose" - they've been a great source of support on my journey.

    Post often, keep an eye on the "Success" threads, and you'll be great!
  • Panhead71
    Panhead71 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kim,
    I too just joined this website and I hope I can stay committed to it. I just wanted to say "Hi" and "you can do it!" :bigsmile:
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Hi Kim and welcome to MFP!! This site is so great, and everyone here is super supportive and helpful. Sounds like you have a great plan, best of luck on your journey!!
  • billak
    billak Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome aboard! I'm new here too. It's my first day. :happy: I'm learning this site and it's been very helpful to me. You can add me if you like.
  • Bullzyi
    Bullzyi Posts: 15 Member
    Hello again everyone! Thanks for adding me! Let us all stick together so we can be on the road to good health! x3