New here, over 100lbs to go :o

AmyToys Posts: 11 Member
Today is the first day of the rest of my life! Hi I’m Amy, a female in my mid 40’s from SoCal.
Weighed in this morning for the first time in over a year. Due to brain surgery and Lupus, I spent much of last year in the hospital and on high doses of steroids. I was about 50lbs overweight at the beginning of 2018, and ended the year over 100lbs overweight! Whew! I said it out loud!
I’ve set my first goal to get back to my pre-craniotomy weight. I’ll look at my UGW after I make some progress. Today I started using the Ideal Shape products and picked up a nifty scale that talks to this app.
I’d love to talk to anyone in a similar situation. I’m happy to encourage you on your journey and look forward to making new friends who can hold me accountable and encourage me to get moving!


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,129 Member
    Hi Amy...Welcome to MFP...sorry about your brain surgery and Lupus....I still have over 100 lbs. to lose...I have already lost 18 since March 14th....Feel free to add me and wishing for you to have great success on your journey :)
  • christabelle1965
    christabelle1965 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Amy, I started again today as well! My goal is to loose 10 pounds a month for the next 10 months. WE CAN DO THIS! Let's hold each other accountable. I'm 53 years old and when I stepped on the scale this morning, it screamed 287.4! Yep, I just said that! I have several reasons why I want to lose this weight....1. I never want to ask a stewardess for a seat belt extender ever again. 2. My daughter and I are going on a cruise in October and she booked us an excursion that has a weight limit....its 47 pounds less than I weigh now, YIKES! 3. I don't want to be the fattest person at the office anymore. 4. My son is getting married in 2020 Spring, I have to be smaller than his stepmother (vanity). 5. My marriage is suffering because I am never feeling amorous, of course because of my size. 6. It scares me because I am so out of shape. I see large women who waddle side to side. I don't want to be that person. 7. I'm tired of putting antiperspirant underneath my boobs and between my thighs. And I'm tired of sweating all the time. 8. My stomach is on my legs when I sit down, gross!

    I need to be real, and I just put it out there like never before. Let's do this girl!!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I also have 100 pounds to lose... I just want to be able to buy clothes at the mall again, and fit into my pretty dresses.

    I've broken a couple chairs, it's so mortifying.
  • AmyToys
    AmyToys Posts: 11 Member
    2. My daughter and I are going on a cruise in October and she booked us an excursion that has a weight limit....its 47 pounds less than I weigh now, YIKES!

    Hi Christabelle, I can relate to all of your reasons, especially this one. My 11 year old daughter has been begging to go horseback riding for a year. I have to lose 50lbs before they’ll let me on a horse. I hope to do that before the year is out.
  • AmyToys
    AmyToys Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Terytha,
    Terytha wrote: »
    I also have 100 pounds to lose... I just want to be able to buy clothes at the mall again, and fit into my pretty dresses.

    I've broken a couple chairs, it's so mortifying.

    I can relate. I went to a baby shower and broke the leg of a loveseat. I still say it was cheap furniture though. Let’s do this thing!