Don't Waste Food?



  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    I leave things out for the homeless on a bus stop bench or two near my apt and it doesn't even matter if the package is open or closed. I don't like wasting money and they need the calories more than I do and *I* know it's safe for them to eat at least. That food has yet to stay in one place more than 20 mins after leaving it out.

    Thank you for reminding me of this. I do this sometimes when I'm at an event that has way too much extra food. I'd rather someone who needs it get the food that just have it thrown away.
  • carrotsaregood
    carrotsaregood Posts: 57 Member
    This idea has already been said, but I have to tell myself “eating it is not saving it”. Or “ I’m not the food disposal”.
  • craziirabbit
    craziirabbit Posts: 103 Member
    Well...i have three huge dogs and when i shop for groceries, i usually only shop for dog friendly foods. Since i largely live alone, when i cook, its always too much. So i cook for my dogs as well. We don't waste anything. Again, only dog friendly foods in my kitchen.
  • amayk
    amayk Posts: 42 Member
    I avoid throwing food, when I buy things I repack in portionsizes and freeze, I cook the portions I plan, if I can't eat the full meal now, I can have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. When I have alot vegetables ect, that need to be used, I make large portions of soup or stews and freeze in servingportions. Cheese I shred, and put in a tight box in the freezer.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    Rice has been the best way for me to use leftover food, I've noticed. It's just really versatile.

    The vast majority of leftovers I have, I can literally mix with rice, and maybe something else, and make a dish out of them the next day.

    Pizza rolls? Cut those up into pieces, then cook with some rice and maybe a little extra tomato sauce and/or meat - pizaa rice.

    Veggies - puree these with some onions and water, maybe some herbs, and cook for a few minutes before adding cooked rice and it's a quick soup, or if you like thicker, can make a kind of faux risotto.

    Eggs - make fried rice with veg and eggs

    Meat - add to the rice with some veg.

    Beans - add to rice and roll up for a burrito.

    Fruit - look of middle eastern rice dishes that use dried fruit, cinnamon, etc... Or make it sweet - tomatoes, hot peppers, and pineapple, along with beef and rice, is actually pretty awesome, IMO.
  • MrsBradyBunch
    MrsBradyBunch Posts: 182 Member
    edited May 2019
    I was brainwashed with the same mentality. "Eat everything on your plate. Wasting food is a grievous, horrendous sin!" (As if gluttony isn't.) I had to learn in therapy that eating more than our bodies need is also wasting food.

    Good ideas for saving leftovers in this thread. By the way, where do you get those mesh, reusable produce bags?
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    When I was diagnosed with diabetes I gave away some of the frozen food which was never going to be appropriate for me to eat. Giant bags of pizza rolls, etc. If you know someone with a big family chances are good they won’t be all that choosy about whether or not the bag is open - explain the situation and say, “Do you know anyone who could use this?”
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    If I throw it away, I waste it.

    If I eat it when I don't want it or enjoy it, I waste it and get fat into the bargain.

    I try very hard to tell myself this...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    echmain3 wrote: »
    I know the amount of calories I want for each meal so I prepare and eat exactly that. No leftovers.

    This is how we operate in my home, too. Or have planned leftovers for the next day.
    We almost never throw away any food at all. It is hard for me to imagine doing that. We keep a pretty minimal stock of food, shopping for 1 week at a time and eating it all. Of course there are exceptions like bulk staples. But fresh fruit and veggies, for example...we eat those right away, plan the meals in an order that we'll use the most perishable items earlier in the week, and they're almost never wasted.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    edited May 2019
    echmain3 wrote: »
    I know the amount of calories I want for each meal so I prepare and eat exactly that. No leftovers.

    This is how we operate in my home, too. Or have planned leftovers for the next day.
    We almost never throw away any food at all. It is hard for me to imagine doing that. We keep a pretty minimal stock of food, shopping for 1 week at a time and eating it all. Of course there are exceptions like bulk staples. But fresh fruit and veggies, for example...we eat those right away, plan the meals in an order that we'll use the most perishable items earlier in the week, and they're almost never wasted.

    My mom does none of this and has a lot of food waste. She tries to keep a list of what she needs to buy but doesn't do a good job with this, so will often end up with multiple bags of carrots, etc. And she buys too much, doesn't rotate, and the food on the bottom slowly rots, until I get fed up and compost it.

    I may buy her a whiteboard for her to keep a running list on her frig, but as she has always been like this and is 81, I'm not optimistic.

    I use a whiteboard. If I come back from the supermarket and my OH freaks out b/c we are out of hot dog rolls or something he uses and I don't, I point to the whiteboard and ask why he didn't add it there when he noticed he was getting low.

    When the weekly supermarket flyers come in, I scan them, decide where to shop, plan meals, and transfer my list from the whiteboard to something portable.
  • quarterhorseygirl
    quarterhorseygirl Posts: 18 Member
    I'm definitely a big fan of meal planning in advance, I like to do it weekly myself. My problem was not really things going to waste (molding, rotting, etc.) because of not getting used in enough time...but more of the BEFORE diet changes, we were buying crap that was utterly unhealthy and not acceptable AFTER diet changes (snack cakes, pizza rolls, cookies, chips, etc.). I only say not acceptable because for a lot of them, I'm diabetic and some I shouldn't have AT ALL, others I can't just have a couple and put it away so I choose to avoid altogether (my personal choice to make it easiest). Thus far most items have either been given away or are in the freezer until we find a recipient or have a gathering that warrants making them to share with others. I'm really digging the different ideas and takes on this y'all have had!