Warrior Dash Carolinas!!! Sunday 28 August 2011

Anyone else running in the Warrior Dash Carolinas? I'm in the Sunday morning heat with my husband and sister-in-law! We are sooooo excited (well, my SIL and I am... my husband is tolerant!) I'm torn between camoflage costumes or traditional viking costumes. I'm not that creative! Suggestions anyone? Let me know if you're running! WOOO HOOO!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!


  • mikibeth
    mikibeth Posts: 29 Member
    I just did the "Dirty Dash" here in Spokane. SUPER FUN! I like your camo idea.. honestly the less clothing the better! The mud will way you down!!
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    me, me, me!!!!! my wave is on sunday morning too!!! i can't wait :smile: no costume though... but i'm thinking about making t-shirts!!! good luck
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I know everyone will do FAB...But I want to especially wish my friend GG and her Hubby great success!!
    me, me, me!!!!! my wave is on sunday morning too!!! i can't wait :smile: no costume though... but i'm thinking about making t-shirts!!! good luck
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i did the texas one a few times...check out my blog/pics from it: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/AggieCass09/view/warrior-dash-2k11-83643