On weekends, I go crazy....

I could kick myself in the butt... I am good Monday thru friday afternoon, and then I blow it on the weekends, so I am constantly gaining and losing the same 3-5lbs and can't get passed that hump!! Advice, tips, punishments.... lay it on me! I need to end this cycle.


  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Telling us a little more about your weekends will help us best advise you. What do you do on weekends differently? Do you go out to eat more? What do you eat when you go out to eat? Do you go out drinking socially and drink a lot? Do you sit around the house and snack all day? Etc.
  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    Some thoughts:
    1. Commit to two straight weekends of proper tracking/sticking to your goal. Give yourself a little reward that you can buy yourself if you succeed. See how that goes.
    2. Pre-plan your meals/food for the weekends on Thursday so you have something ready instead of spur of the moment decisions.
    3. Forgo alcohol for these two weekends and see if it makes a difference.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I'd agree with part 3 in the above post. I try to go two weeks without alcohol for each one that I do.

    The reality is far different from what I planned, but that's the advice I have for you.
  • GettingskinnyforME
    GettingskinnyforME Posts: 28 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    Telling us a little more about your weekends will help us best advise you. What do you do on weekends differently? Do you go out to eat more? What do you eat when you go out to eat? Do you go out drinking socially and drink a lot? Do you sit around the house and snack all day? Etc.

    On weekends typically I'll start by saying I'm going to be good, and then we meet up with friends or go camping and after a few (lots of) drinks later, I'm snacking on chips, pizza, whatever because I feel like I don't care at that point. Its mostly my social life that keeps making me mess up. I need to learn how to be social and be good at the same time!
  • GettingskinnyforME
    GettingskinnyforME Posts: 28 Member
    I'd agree with part 3 in the above post. I try to go two weeks without alcohol for each one that I do.

    The reality is far different from what I planned, but that's the advice I have for you.

    I really do love this. I could probably make this work!!
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    mncm99 wrote: »
    MikePTY wrote: »
    Telling us a little more about your weekends will help us best advise you. What do you do on weekends differently? Do you go out to eat more? What do you eat when you go out to eat? Do you go out drinking socially and drink a lot? Do you sit around the house and snack all day? Etc.

    On weekends typically I'll start by saying I'm going to be good, and then we meet up with friends or go camping and after a few (lots of) drinks later, I'm snacking on chips, pizza, whatever because I feel like I don't care at that point. Its mostly my social life that keeps making me mess up. I need to learn how to be social and be good at the same time!

    It sounds like cutting down on/out drinking might be beneficial for you. Besides the added calories from alcohol, it seems to be lowering your inhibition and control when it comes to food.
  • GettingskinnyforME
    GettingskinnyforME Posts: 28 Member
    Definitely is the culprit. I'm going to try for every weekend I do have drinks, to make sure I have two without. So maybe I can actually lose the weeks without alcohol and the bad choices that belong with it. Thank you guys!
  • GettingskinnyforME
    GettingskinnyforME Posts: 28 Member
    and try to prep foods for the weekend, and maybe allow myself maintain calories on the weekend (when needed), instead of losing two lbs a week, to let me have a little bit more wiggle room without gaining.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I agree with cutting down on alcohol, for sure. I have also found for me it's good to limit my "weekend eating" to Saturdays. So even if I eat a little crazy all that day, I'm still on target Friday and Sunday. It's really helped.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    meal prep for outing with friends. one slice of pizza sure but bring lots if veggies or low cal snacks you enjoy to keep your hands and mouth busy.

    also, drink less. have 1-2 big glasses of carbonated/tasty no cal water or diet soda between boozy drinks.

    plan plan plan:
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    Cutting out alcohol is literally the only thing that works for me. When I started this journey 2+ years ago, I didn’t drink for three months. I lost 30 pounds. Granted, I started at 205 so I had the weight to lose, but that’s what worked. I also stuck to around 1400 cal a day.

    Fast forward... i’ve gained back about 18 of the 55 pounds I’ve lost. I cut out alcohol again one week ago and was down 4 1/2 pounds this week. Yes, I know a lot of that is water weight, but it’s a great motivator. I did allow myself to alcohol size bottles of whiskey on both Friday and Saturday, but other than that, nothing. And I bought the small bottles and nothing else so there is no temptation.

    Give it a shot, it can’t hurt.
  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    Ugh this has been my struggle as well! Especially since I've gotten closer to my goal weight, I just can't afford the extra calories anymore... I've been trying to plan my calories ahead (including a drink or two if I know that I will want one) so that I can better estimate and have a plan, even if it's a total guess I usually stick much closer to my goal than if I log nothing beforehand. Good luck to you, you can do it!
  • sarebearr
    sarebearr Posts: 59 Member
    I agree with the above post! My trick is to try my best to plan calories ahead of time. If I know I want to go out with friends, then I pre-calculate my glasses of wine. I try to be really really good the entire rest of the day, and get a cardio session in in the morning. Then I allow myself to enjoy time with my friends, trying to stay within my calorie budget...by saving most of my cals for the time with them. Sometimes I fail. That's okay too. Just try your best not to go balls to the wall when you start "cheating". It's okay to have a handful of chips or a slice of pizza. During the week I focus more on nutrition within my calories, on the weekends, I focus mainly on the calories. Not worrying so much about the quality lol
  • csilverthorn22
    csilverthorn22 Posts: 32 Member
    OMG sister... I FEEL YOUR PAIN. The alcohol thing is sooo tricky but theres so many good suggestions here. I really like the suggestion about the cutting out a couple extra cals throughout the week so that you can save up your splurge. For myself I also think that sticking to one specific beverage with a low cal "mix" can help (ie: diet soda or crystal lite) if you're into that... I know if I go coolers or high sugar stuff not only do those cals add up fast but you also tend to drink faster... I want to try and follow this because this has ALWAYS been a struggle for me!!! hugs...
  • GettingskinnyforME
    GettingskinnyforME Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks guys!! You have helped me get my mind strong!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,301 Member
    If you can just push through one weekend, you will see your results improve, It will break the cycle and you'll be on your way.
    there is really no easy way..but to just dig deep and do what you've got to do. You're wasting your time and willpower.. it is stupid. don't do that to yourself.

  • AimeeLGosse
    AimeeLGosse Posts: 24 Member
    This might sound silly....but on your weekends of limited to no alcohol, when you are with friends, get yourself a super pretty glass and make your non alcoholic/sugar free beverages look lovely! We go pool parties every other weekend, do not drink alcohol, but have awesome cups and fill with ice, limes, lemons and whatever beverage we choose. For me it's my "on the rocks" diet Pepsi!
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    @AimeeLGosse LOVE THIS IDEA!