Weight loss friends

Hi everyone 👋 I’m just starting my weight loss journey now! Here’s abit if my back story to why I want to lose weight. So basically I had my little boy last April via emergancy c section and put alot of weight on whilst pregnant and since being pregnant I have found no motivation to excersise or anything I suffer with depression and anxiety so being positive is something I find very hard! So I’m looking for some support maybe some advice on to sticking to this and maybe some recipes to try! Than you 😊


  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    Hi there, welcome! I struggle with anxiety and depression as well. Best of luck on your journey. (:
  • Stace8497
    Stace8497 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, you too😊
  • Allexin
    Allexin Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck on your journey! Pretty sure that you'll manage to stick to the diet and exercises.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,804 Member
    You are welcome to add me ....I would love to cheer you on while you are on this journey :)
  • moymoyxx
    moymoyxx Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there :) I have just had my second child via emergency c section two weeks ago and also struggle with anxiety so we have a lot in common! I'm molly, 27 from the UK and I'm here to lose the baby weight sensibly and slowly to avoid the dreaded loose skin and binge eating lol I'd love new friends to keep me motivated! I don't really do private messaging (it gives me anxiety I dont have social media for that reason also) but I will like and comment on statuses and read diaries for accountability. Add me if you like 😁