breakfast advice please!!

So I discovered that no matter how late or early I go to bed, if I wake up early I am STARVING; if I wake up later (10AM on) I don't really have much of an appetite. During the week I get up at 6AM and no matter what I eat within 20 minutes I have that gnawing pang of hunger until lunch. I've tried eggs, oatmeal, and cereal. Nothing seems to satiate me that early. Any advice for filling breakfasts?
Thank you so much


  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    Are you drinking water in the morning? What type of breakfast are you having? I find oatmeal with a steamed chopped apple (or applesauce) and nuts is super filling. I've tried those nasty sugary packets in the past and I end up hungry again after those.
  • heatherrosebird
    Full and balanced. A protein, a carb, and a fruit. Look at the end of cereal commercials when they say part of a balanced breakfast and try for that. Yes, it takes time to make. Yes, it takes time to eat. But it's filling. I found I eat less but better at lunch for a full healthy breakfast.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I think water may help as well. I've heard, though don't know any scientific information behind it, that there are many times that dehydration can be incorrectly signaled by your brain and you will be thirsty instead of hungry. Take that with a grain of salt, but it's something to consider :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Mid morning snacks are also good, for me its usually some sort of fruit and that tends to help.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    If it's really a problem why don't you try breaking your breakfast into a few parts. As in have some eggs. wait until your hungry again- have a piece of multigrain bread, then when your hungry AGAIN have a piece of fruit. You'll make it all the way to lunch like that and not go over the amount of calories you want to spend on breakfast.
  • Sparrow_Feet
    Sparrow_Feet Posts: 76 Member
    Have you tried porridge? That should keep you fuller for longer. :)
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Try a natural muesli that includes some dried fruit (not too much), nuts and seeds - I make my own and find a small-medium bowl filling and sustaining (although I do still have a morning tea snack) but you should be able to buy something suitable.
  • dancer720
    I think what I'm missing is fruit and protein. I do drink a glass or 2 of water every morning and my breakfast will be instant oatmeal or fried eggs and toast. Sometimes if I'm really rushed I'll have a waffle or something like that. Also, could it be that I'm eating too fast? I'v heard that the slower you eat, the faster you get full, is this true?
    And thank you so much for all your advice!!
  • dorothea23
    hi i am dorothea 23, the most important thing is to eat breakfast. try a equate shake like choclate and a banana and coffee to drink.
    then drink a glass of v-8 juice and then drink your first water of the day. it helps me.
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    I could never make it from breakfast to lunch without a snack, I think I would pass out from the hunger so I know where you're coming from. My recommendation: Pack a morning and an afternoon snack when you pack your lunch, you'll be way less likely to overeat at your main meals that way too.
  • wonderwomanwannaB
    For oatmeal, what kind are you using? Steal cut oats will probably fill you up the most.

    My favorite breakfasts (that I find filling)

    2/3 cup Old Fashioned (rolled) oats
    1 cup vanilla almond milk
    - mix and let sit in the fridge overnight then add 1/2 cup of some kind of fruit like blueberries or a tablespoon of raisins

    I piece of Ezekial Bread, toasted (this is the most filling bread I have ever found that isn't from a bakery) top with 1oz cheese and 2 poached egg whites. Then to make it bigger you can add a piece of whole fruit (apple, peach, orange)

    Make an omelette from 2 egg whites, 1oz of cheese and then pack it with veggies.

    I usually have a coffee before I eat and then 30 minutes after eating drink 2 glasses of water. Sometimes what you feel as "hunger" is really thirst, and it makes a lot of sense that your body would be thirsty in the morning. Drinking before and after a meal, but not during or immediately after, can also help you feel full longer. So I've been told, and I think it's true.

    OH! and I put egg whites on here because instead of the yolk calories, I add cheese. It's good to have some fat in there which can also help you keep full.

    Hope this helps :)

    PS this is random, but something I read or watched lately had something about making sure your breakfast has 4 food groups represented. Maybe working around that guideline will help you find something good and balanced. Plus what bprague posted is really good advice and could work with this method.