
Yes or no? Does anyone have any good/bad thing about Herbalife? Debating whether to take the plunge...


  • veggiemuncher12
    veggiemuncher12 Posts: 93 Member
    I love Herbalife.. I've lost 12 lbs on it & have had no probs!
  • veggiemuncher12
    veggiemuncher12 Posts: 93 Member
    I should also tell you that I did the program many years ago-lost 54 lbs & kept it off for a long time w/ continued exercise (10 hours/week +).
    I've seen people posting that once they stopped the program they gained the weight back.. well, duh! Your going to gain the weight back no matter what program you do if you start eating poorly and quit exercising.. I suggest weaning yourself off when you decide your ready to quit.
  • MommyNemo
    MommyNemo Posts: 29 Member
    I did weight watchers last summer and lost 20 pounds in 3 months.. To keep it off by having a Slim Fast shake for breakfast. When my friend started to talk to me about her experience with herbalife I perked up. So I took the plunge last month and I have lost 10 pounds on it. I love the program and seem to have lots more energy than I use to.
  • Luvmysixpack
    I am about 43 pounds down now and 25 of those are due to Herbalife. I only do the shakes. I have not tried supplements yet.
  • aldavis55
    I am an active advocate for Herbalife! I have been taking the products after my second boy was born and have lost 32 pounds and I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I have even gotten the tone back in my legs, arms, and abs. My energy levels are through the roof and you know that's important with a 2 and 5 year old boy! I am also a pe/health teacher so I am pretty picky on the type of supplements I put into my body. Herbalife is so natural you get the increased endorphines, metabolism, alertness without the cracked out feeling if you know what I mean. I even have my husband on the lift off with ginseng and ginko in it because he spends long hours on the computer it helps him to stay focused. My kids are even on the protein shakes specifically for kids. If you are interested I want to run a weight loss challenge using Herbalife products message me back and I will get it started. I can also send anyone a catalog with samples for you to try. I have my girlfriend on it who was 400 pounds and since using the product is down to 317. Message me and I will get the challenge going or set you up!:smile: