Suggestions for NOT going over Calories?

Is there anyone NOT going over their calories everyday? I know I am NOT eating the right things, but looking for some meal suggestions. I'm going to start eating boiled egg whites and turkey bacon again, but any other bfast ideas? Lunch? Thanks!:blushing:


  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    I am almost always under. I just eat waaay less in the day than in the evening because I dont know why but I get so much hungier later in the day haha. Breakfast I love: 1 egg white, 2 slices wheat bread, 1 slice thin sclices turkey, 12 cup mixed veggies :) like 200 calories.
  • Mommyof3loves
    I pretty much never go over on calories. I usually have, bowl of cereal, oatmeal, eggs, slim fast if I am running short on time, a bagel with lowfat cream cheese.
  • curryinahurry
    curryinahurry Posts: 83 Member
    I just started my life change but here is what i think:

    Eat whatever you want but don't eat as much.

    I eat pasta for lunch but only have a cup of it..

    Pudding snacks are yummy too.

    I am not good with breakfast but you can have toast, coffee or fruit to stay low cal.

    Good luck
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    I've gotten into the habbit of planning all my eating/exercise for the day at the beginning of the day. That way I can see ahead of time that I need to eat more or less depending on my calorie burn. If I think I'm going to go over, I just sneak in a walk after supper and if I need more calories I can add as I need to throughout the day.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I've been doing this since the beginning of April and I've gone over less than a dozen times....and the total adds up to less than 300cals! I found the first week the most difficult - since then, it's been a breeze to stick to my cal limits! It's really just a question of how much do you want to succeed?

    Well done for taking the first step and signing up here - you'll soon get the hang of things! xx
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    I don't normally go over my calories. For breakfast I'll usually have a banana, an egg sandwich with one whole egg and one slice of wheat bread and a piece of cheese. I'll have a snack about 3 hours later.
  • domesticgypsie
    domesticgypsie Posts: 14 Member
    During my first 4 months on MFP I only ate 800 calories a day. I was very careful not to go over. After awhile I went to 1000. This is well below the recommended amount MFP suggested, but I didn't care, I got a disclaimer everyday to tell me to eat more. Anyway, some people say that a person will go into "starvation mode" and not burn calories and wreck their metabolism. NOTHING of the sort happened to me. My body used up all the fat, I gained muscle with Yoga and strength training. I dropped 48 lbs between Feb 2 , 2011 and sometime at the end of June. During my biggest weight loss month I lost a total of 22 lbs!
    Every one is different. The thing is, scrawny skinny doesn't look good, and it's not healthy. Find the calories that are right for YOU personally. I'm somewhere between 1500-1700. I'm experimenting to find the right number.
    Hope this helps!
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I hardly ever go over, unless there is a party/event. I exercise most every day - even if it's just 15 minutes - to get some extra calories to be flexible. I eat normal foods- no special diet anything. I eat much of what I have always had, except eliminating junk food, cookie/cracker snacks. I eat more veggies to fill out the meals/fill me up. Otherwise - just less. Less pasta, less butter, less sour cream, less cheese, etc.
  • Treed79
    Treed79 Posts: 28 Member
    My favorite is 1 cup blueberries, 1 light and fit yougurt, 1/4 cup of Special K lowfat granola. About 258 calories.
  • DropsOJupiter
    Hey there...and I am a pretty boring eater :laugh: but my breakfast always includes coffee, ff half and half, and then either boiled eggs (1 or 2) depending on hunger or 1 cup steel cut oats meal with sugar free syrup. Lunch is always a salad with a variety of veggies but change up the protein source. I usually have a mid-afternoon snack of plain greek yogurt with cinammon and berries of some sort. Portions vary depending on how much/hard I've exercised in any given day, but usually save a bunch of calories for the evening meal. I usually don't go over except for those night time munchy times :mad:

    Hope this helps!
  • janetbefit
    Well I know exactly what you mean. I make my plan at the start of each day but sometimes things happen and all of a sudden, you are over on calories.

    One thing to do is make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water (half your body wt in oz is what is recommended) and that helps to keep you feeling full. Also having good low cal snacks readily available are helpful. Have low fat/carb tortillas for wraps, lots of veggies washed and cut, same with fruit, cheese sticks, etc.

    I personally like Ezekiel bread (freezer section) and Mary's Gone Crackers Twigs & Sticks for something healthy.

    Search the boards for menu ideas.

    Good Luck!

  • sasy_sfinx
    i eat alot n always have. but as you've said, for me i need to get back into the habbit of eating the right things and also getting more active to counteract the calorie intake. long way to go for me :)
    my breakfast is always ground oats with yogurt and fruit, every now and then i'll put a few chocolate drops on too
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    I like to change my breakfast up with some whole grain cereal like cinammon toast crunch,
    along with 1% milk or skim if you like it!
    Oatmeal is another great healthy choice, Bagels, greek yougurt, etc!

    For lunch some good options are Tuna salad, chicken salad made with light or fat free miracle whip,
    celery, boiled egg, onion, and relish or dill pickle, on whole wheat bread.
    Fish such as tilapia fillets, cod and salmon are excellent choices!

    There are also wonderful chips call Beanito's Black Bean chips Chipotle bbq flavor, also
    you might want to try Trisquit thin crisps, parmasan garlic flavor, they are so tasty, i do not
    like the regular trisquits! :smile:

    For snacks i like to eat things such as no sugar added applesauce, sugar free pudding, skinny cow
    ice cream sandwiches and kashi tlc oatmeal dark chocolate cookies. You will want to add nuts to your diet
    they are extremely good for you in moderation.

    These are just a few ideas, you can scope out everyones diaries to get ideas too! Hope it helped a little!
    Good luck.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i usually have a diet shake for breakfast, and a boiled egg (i keep them cold in the fridge). i need the extra energy because i go to the gym in the mornings. but if i'm not gymming, i can skip the egg, and have the milk shake (i drink it with low fat milk, not water, the water ones taste foul).

    or i eat a very small serve of museli if i feel like i need something more substantial. i eat the proper museli that is fulfilling with nuts and dried fruit in it. it's got more calories, but it is very filling and gives me heaps of energy. i eat it out of my kids plastic bowls (they are tiny, but i keeps my portion in control).

    i eat a grainy roll for lunch with whatever i feel like in it (tuna, chicken, ham, salad, cheese, tomato) which fills me up alot longer than if i have white bread, then i'm needing snacks again in the afternoon.

    fruit, yoghurt, carrot sticks for snacks...

    i always have museli bars in the cupboard if i'm ravenous i'll eat one. if i don't have time for lunch i'll take an apple and 2 museli bars on the run with me instead of buying food out!
  • Gettingbettereveryday
    You've already had lots of good advice and I wouldn't be able to add much in the way of food suggestions, however are you drinking plent of liquids? Sometimes a glass of water can stave off the cravings for a snack until it's tiime for your meal... just a thought...
  • beautyinme0815

    I just realized that if I work out it gives me more calories. I guess that just goes to show that I haven't been on top of things on
  • beautyinme0815
    Thanks for all of the suggestions. I do drink lots of water, but I do notice when I don't start my day off with a good breakfast, I binge all day. I guess what I can take from all of this is to make sure I am planning my meals, eating better things, and getting my daily exercise in. It sure is nice to have a support system. Thanks!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Funny, I was going to suggest a nice big breakfast with plenty of protein but you already figured out that's what you need! Yay!
    I had the same revelation after I started making myself an egg sandwich for breakfast a few months ago. 2 eggs, low fat cheese and a sandwich thin and I was full for hours and was less likely to snack later in the day. Amazing!

    I'm a big fan of breakfast so I mostly have lean deli ham or turkey or Boca burger on a sandwich thin with cheese. Sometimes I'll mix it up and have homemade tuna or chicken salad made with light miracle whip and celery. And I've substituted chips with an apple or baby carrots (although I do eat chips now and then).

    And, like others have said, try your best to plan your whole day in advance. To answer your question, I do go over up to 200 calories once or twice a week but I have a deficit based on 1.5 pounds lost per week and also exercise just about every day so it's not a huge impact.

    Good luck with revamping your diet!