PCOS and the 17 day diet

Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello All! I have PCOS and I have been doing pretty well on watching what I eat, but I suck when it comes to sugars and carbs. I know it is suggested that people with PCOS eat lower carb. I am just wondering if any of you ladies with PCOS have tried the 17 day diet and if it helped. I look forward to hearing your responses!

PS. If you don't have PCOS or do not know what it is, please do not bash eating lower carb as our bodies work differently than yours. Thank you!



  • I have PCOS but have not tried eating low carbs. I am eating more proteins though and it seems to be working.
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    I should probably also mention that I need a little structure to be able to eat lower carb at first until I get used to it.
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Ok, so I'll say right now that I don't have PCOS nor do I know much about it, but I have done the17 Day Diet and it's very low carb, and I had great weight loss results. I didn't get past the second cycle though. I don't know if you've read the book or not, but in cycle 1, your only high-carb foods would be fruit, and in the second cycle, there are other healthy carbs like oatmeal, brown rice, and starchy vegetables (but in small amounts). Hope that helps a little bit, even though I don't know how this would work with your body. Good luck!! :)
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    I have never tried the 17 day diet. I did Atkins several years ago and lost 40 pounds but then gained them back because I found the diet too restrictive for me.I have PCOS and I switched my macronutrients to a 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat ratio (Zone Diet) and I have been losing about 8-10 pounds a month. Some days my carbs are lower than others. I have a cheat meal about once every 2 weeks. Hope that helps.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I live in a shell. LOL I've never heard of the 17-Day Diet. But I'm going to look into it! I've been diagnosed recently with PCOS and each time I have a cycle, it gets heavier and heavier. I feel like I've been punched in the gut, and I hate it. I'm going to look into this diet, though!
  • I have PCOS and although I haven't tried the 17 day diet I areading the Insulin-Resistance Diet which is really geared towards us it looks good so far but a friend of mine is doing the 17 day diet although she does not have PCOS!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I'm just starting to research the 17 day diet, and thought I'd eavesdrop, if that's ok...

    Andee, I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago, and sometimes forget why it's so hard for me to lose this belly weight... Then I have that moment where I remember "oh yeah!! I have PCOS - duh!" So the good news for you is that you can get to the point where you just live with it, and kinda forget about it.

    Like beatlemom, I also had success with the Zone Diet, but did not stick with it long term. Before my wedding, the Zone + Couch to 5k got me to my lowest adult weight of 130, which was a good weight for me. After two pregnancies (I was lucky not to have any infertility issues), I've kinda settled in at 150-155. Fed up with being 'stuck' at this weight, I am now working hard this month at reducing carbs in my diet.

    Here are the carbs I'm currently allowing: fruit and veggies freely, oatmeal a few times a week (mixed with berries, nuts, ground flax seeds, and a bit of milk), flax wraps (stuffed with chicken/veggie - especially good with avocado for the 'sauce'). I do eat rice, potatoes, or ww pasta occasionally, after all I have a family to feed, and don't want to cook separate meals every day, however, I really make a conscious decision and limit my serving sizes (ex. 1/2 cup for rice, 1 cup for spaghetti, etc). I also make homemade pizza on greek pita (loaded with lean hamburger meat and veggies, no processed meats), and eat only 1/2 my regular portion - and if I am still hungry then I fill up on veggies or fruits...

    This has helped me lose 5 pounds this month, and I am finally under 150 (ok, just barely at 149) for the first time in ages...
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member

    I don't have PCOS, but I'm doing the 17 Day Diet. You can find lots of motivation and support for this diet on the thread we post on:


    I started a blog when I started this diet, but haven't posted to it for about 3 weeks. There are still some good posts here though, about my experience with the 17 DD... I started the diet on June 23.


    Be sure to read the post from Tuesday, June 28 - "Something is wrong with me..." that's when I discovered that I NEEDED MORE STRUCTURE to get this done, and the 17 DD has given me that!

    Here are some more thoughts on the 17 DD, which I posted on another thread where someone was asking about it:

    I started the 17 Day Diet on June 23. I've lost a total of 20 lbs and 14.5 inches, and I've never felt better.

    I'm an RN, and I'm 51 years old. I've been overweight all my life. As a nurse, of course I know and understand the need for a certain type of eating to be fit and healthy. However, sometimes "knowing" what to do does NOT give you the tools to get it done.

    You might hear people refer to this as a "fad", or a "quick fix", with no hope of long-term results. I would respectfully ask folks to PLEASE read the book BEFORE you make any of those assumptions.

    The program was actually originally intended for those that are not always overweight, and they just wanted a structured plan to lose weight gained over the holidays, so it doesn't snowball into a bigger weight gain. The author then ended up expanding it to be more of a lifestyle change for those of us with "serious" weight to lose. (I've got 60 lbs to get off me... well, only 40 now, tee hee!)

    It's unfortunate that people fight the word "diet". When those around me have challenged why I'm eating the way I am, I proudly say that I'm "ON A DIET"... or I'm "doing" the 17 Day Diet - I don't have to go into any long explanations about trying to lose weight, trying to eat clean, whatever... it's a quick and simple response.

    People say "well, the bad thing about diets is, once you 'go off' the diet, your weight comes right back!".... well DUH! That's why I'm looking at this as a "lifetime Diet", it IS how I want to live the rest of my life! I never want to be "off" this Diet, I love it and plan to live it forever!

    A quick synopsis - it's not a Diet that is OVER in 17 days. There are 4 cycles... the first 3 cycles are 17 Days EACH. So when you are on the "more restrictive" Cycle 1, and you are struggling, HEY... it's ONLY for 17 days! Then you hit Cycle 2 - adding some healthy carbs back in slowly. Again, just 17 days of this, then Cycle 3 with more liberal use of carbs, but you'll find what you are doing is EATING CLEAN. That "thing" we all WANT to do, but just don't know how to get there. THIS DIET GOT ME THERE - WOOT WOOT!

    You then go back to Cycle 1 and start again, repeating the Cycles until you make it to your goal weight. The purpose of the Cycles is to create metabolic confusion, which avoids the dreaded plateaus - it sure has worked for me, I've had consistent weight loss since I started!

    AT ANY TIME during this Diet, when you hit your Goal Weight, you go on to Cycle 4 - Maintenance. Mostly eating clean, healthy meals, with some "free" meals allowed in limited numbers - enough to let you live your life and still be fit and healthy.

    AT ANY TIME you find you've gained some weight back, you can START BACK AT CYCLE 1 to get that weight off before you regain everything.

    I'm currently on Round 2, Cycle 1, Day 14. I actually was looking forward to being back on Cycle 1 - it's the most restrictive cycle, but that's EASIER for me... it seems that the more freedoms I have, the poorer choices I make!

    Anyway, as with all diets, this one is not for everyone. But I'm so thankful I found it, the book is a terrific read, it all makes perfect sense, and the author is quite funny while also being very direct, pulling no punches. Here are a couple of lines from the book, in the beginning when he is introducing the diet...

    "But you do have to accept that this won't be a pleasure diet. You've got to stop eating unhealthy crap. You've got to eat vegetables, fruit, lean meat."

    "You won't be faint with hunger or found in the kitchen at midnight, feeding on Froot Loops and tubes of cookie dough. You can do this, because anyone can do anything for 17 days."

    "The 17 Day Diet is doable and easy - unlike so many other diets, which are slightly less complicated than the checklist for a shuttle launch."

    The book is also loaded with research and study results that support his way of losing weight and keeping it off.

    OK, I'm off my 17 Day Diet soapbox. I swear I make no money off the diet, I'm not attached to it in any way, I'm just grateful I found it and I hope you get a chance to read the book - you might find it's what you've been looking for to get you started on a healthy lifestyle.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    :smile: I have been on the 17day diet since April 2011 and lost 55 pounds so far. Yes its great and it works
  • danimoon67
    danimoon67 Posts: 38 Member
    I have PCOS and have had much success in the last 18+ months of watching my carbs, making sure I pick healthier carbs (less white, whole grains, etc) and cutting out a lot of processed foods. I don't know much about the 17 day diet, I follow WW and track on MFP, but I do think there is definitely something to watching carbs and sugars and PCOS. I don't follow a strict low-carb dinner, and I still enjoy them, just in a much more reasonable portion size.

    I am more regular now than I have been my entire adult life; but things started to change a few years ago and could also be attributed to peri-menopause (yeah, I'm older -- 43).
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