Aggravated and sad...

well, ive been doing great! i havent screwed up my calories, and i run around 5days per week...each week was getting better and better in regards to running...lost 43 lbs. and up to running 4miles per run. i was fitted with running shoes, and knew it was time for new ones..but i think i might have waited a bit too long. one day while running i noticed that i was landing on the inside of my foot instead of the usual pronate that i am....and also i have been having some pain under the outside of my right ankle and on the top of my i went that day and bought new shoes!

well no good, the new shoes rock, but i think i already did the hurts to just walk barefooted, or with un-tied shoes...when at work i wear work boots so i have a lot of support around my ankle...but i believe i might have a hair line fracture or something along that lines...made my doc appt. tomorrow and see what is going on...

going to be a bit upset if im unable to continue to addicted to it, and have no desire to stop. but sadly ill have too if its bad news.

anyone else have a similar injury? anyways...wish me luck on my prognosis..!


  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    Good luck! I wish I could run.
  • Good Luck! I hope it all works out for you with this. I trouble with both my feet. My arches are falling and have caused bunions on both feet. I have insouls that I wear when I am working out but should be wearing them all the time. I understand how painful it can be to have issues with ankles and feet. I hope nothing is broken and perhaps just a couple days rest will help!
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    i wish you luck. best to get it checked out. i have many physical limitations and i cant wait to start at least walking again but at least you know tracking calories and watching does work. i had a hair line fracture in jan. currently back in a walking boot due to foot surgery (plantars flacitis) . i want to run someday but need to walk and lose more weight before i jiggle too much lol... wishing you well

  • duqtape
    duqtape Posts: 121 Member
    The best thing with a running injury, or in your case a suspected injury, it to STOP RUNNING! ASAP! Its better to take a few days off and gauge it. If its not better without running, see the doc. To 'run through the injury' will only create more injury and a way longer time off.

    Pain is your body telling you 'hey! pay attention to me!'
  • Giddeaon
    Giddeaon Posts: 43
    Does it hurt more when you wake up in the morning, but then get better when you walk around? Does it spike again after sitting for a long time? I ask because I'm a long time suffer of plantar fascitis, which is a chronic inflammation of the plantar's ligament (runs along the bottom of the foot). It can cause ALL kinds of foot pain, and is VERY common among runners, hikers, joggers, etc.

    My right foot gets so bad that it causes me to step differently, which ends out causing pain in my knees, hips and back. I initially injured it while trying to get into jogging. Now, I work through the pain each morning so I can head out for a 5 mile walk. It's a lot of pain until I limber up, but I deal with it.

    Unfortunately, the cure for PF is to stay off your feet for 2 - 3 months. I also use night splints and lots of calf and achilles stretching and orthotics inserts to alleviate the pain, but in the end, I just don't have any way to stay off my feet for 3 months, so even when I start to get better I always end out reinjuring it again. I've been dealing with it for over a year.

    I sincerely hope you have a simpler fix, but I would suggest you look into PF just in case. It's one of the most common foot injuries.

    Good luck w/ your Dr. and I hope everything works out.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    From a medical perspective, if it is broken, you can probably still cross train to keep up your endurance, with biking or swimming. I am a runner as well, and I know its tough when you can't run, but if you "run through the pain" you are asking for trouble. I t could just be tendonitis, so make sure you dont walk around barefoot or with shoes that dont give support at all, including when at home, except to go to bed. Good luck!!
  • lbruce14
    lbruce14 Posts: 13 Member
    A few years ago I decided to get in shape and started working out on my elliptical trainer daily, for up to 2 hours, and loved it. I ended up (through my own stupidity) causing a hairline fracture in my ankle. It hurt like hell and put a stop to my training. It was soooo frustrating. I live where its winter up to 7 months of the year so I depend on using my elliptical trainer for exercise. It still hurts when I use my elliptical so I only use it on low resistance one or two times a week. While it still hurts, it hurts less every time and I can tell its getting stronger.

    Give yourself a break and then just start slow. Frustrating, I know, but the harder you are on it the longer you'll be out of commission.
  • that makes me crazy! It never fails either, as soon as I get all comfy in a workout routine I hurt something and then have to take time off, and then I have a hard time getting back into it. Last time I damaged a tendon along the inside of my knee doing squats. I hope you have just strained something and will be back to running with a couple of days of rest.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    Does it hurt more when you wake up in the morning, but then get better when you walk around? Does it spike again after sitting for a long time? I ask because I'm a long time suffer of plantar fascitis, which is a chronic inflammation of the plantar's ligament (runs along the bottom of the foot). It can cause ALL kinds of foot pain, and is VERY common among runners, hikers, joggers, etc.

    My right foot gets so bad that it causes me to step differently, which ends out causing pain in my knees, hips and back. I initially injured it while trying to get into jogging. Now, I work through the pain each morning so I can head out for a 5 mile walk. It's a lot of pain until I limber up, but I deal with it.

    Unfortunately, the cure for PF is to stay off your feet for 2 - 3 months. I also use night splints and lots of calf and achilles stretching and orthotics inserts to alleviate the pain, but in the end, I just don't have any way to stay off my feet for 3 months, so even when I start to get better I always end out reinjuring it again. I've been dealing with it for over a year.

    I sincerely hope you have a simpler fix, but I would suggest you look into PF just in case. It's one of the most common foot injuries.

    Good luck w/ your Dr. and I hope everything works out.

    you know it doesnt hurt one bit when im running, or when walking around at work with my boots on...really only hurts in the morning when walking to the bathroom for the morning "let the hounds out" or when walking without shoes...good tip on the PF...going to write that down and talk to the man tomorrow about it!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Oh I feel for you. I sprained my ankle really badly playing tennis last September, and I took months to heal, but I WAS able to do some things, like upper body strength and cycling.

    After 3 months of physio with it not getting much better, I went for an ultrasound and there was calcification around a haemotoma. I then took up yoga, and it really is what got the flexibility and strength back into it.

    Good luck, and don't be downhearted. You will have to be patient with your body and use some lateral thinking with what you are capable of.

  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    that makes me crazy! It never fails either, as soon as I get all comfy in a workout routine I hurt something and then have to take time off, and then I have a hard time getting back into it. Last time I damaged a tendon along the inside of my knee doing squats. I hope you have just strained something and will be back to running with a couple of days of rest.

    completely agree...after running a few months i developed runners knee in my right knee. did a lot of research and realized that i could do several different exercises to help...and it did...i had to do a lot of strength training on my inner thighs and the pain is minimal....all thanks to research. its amazing what you can learn on the net and youtube...but sadly no results for my ankle pain...might have to research PF...

    btw you guys rock! a lot of great advise as always!
  • good luck! we will all hope for good news from the doctor...