New, Nervous, and Overwhelmed

I need to lose weight. I have never weighed so much in my whole life and I am very self conscious now. My weight loss goal is going to be hard to reach since I take 8 medications every day and many of them are known to cause weight gain and increased appetite. On top of it I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia around my 19th birthday so my ability to exercise has been greatly affected. I could use some advice or words of encouragment from other people trying to loose weight like me so don't hesitate to say hello! Thanks, Alexandra<3


  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member

    You will find nothing but support and encouragement here.

    Feel free to add me.

    I hope that this website helps you obtain your goals
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I am new too. I was a tiny teen 100 pounds as senior in high school. 138 after my fourth child. Then everything went crazy and I couldn't keep the weight off. At 267.5 and 54 years I am on BP meds, low dose of cholesterol meds and pre-diabetic. I dropped Diet Coke and chips from my diet and had minimal sweets and dropped 6.5 pounds in two weeks. If I can you can. I just started on this site yesterday and I love it. I can add my own recipes and they go into my food diary with all of the values calculated. By watching it daily I can budget my nutritional needs all day.
    I have two friends with Fibromyalgia one doesn't work out and has a lot of pain. The other walks daily and has stayed an average weight and has reduced pain. Try walking it may work for you. Sometimes local schools will let you walk inside, which is great in cold weather. Good luck.
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you Hoppymom, Im on BP meds too... your advice means a lot! I wish you the best and i will try walking more<3
  • criscole
    Alex ~ don't look at as losing weight look at it as a change of life style, take as a positive instead of a negative. We can only do so much and right now you have a lot of negatives so number one set your mind on positive, If you are at a party lets say and they are serving cake allow yourself a half of piece the positive is yu would have had a whole piece right? It's away of thinking if you have a bad eating meal you always have another to do the right thing. Walk walk walk (get a pedometer) if you find it hard to do anything else, it not only changes your body but the way you look at the world. Start simple, start with very small goals be they 1 or 5 pounds in one month. You can do it! If you are able to join a gym and get yourself a trainer they are worth every penny...
    Good Luck, Cris
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you NyxDominique, you are very sweet!
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you Chris, everything you said about remaining positive is such an important thing to bring up. I need to work on that and i appreciate your advice so much!
  • watcherII
    watcherII Posts: 56 Member
    welcome!! i think it's great that you want to change your lifestyle. that's what this is, a lifestyle change. you will change your relationship with food, and your approach to exercise, both for good. a good friend of mine had fibromyalgia, so i know a little about the challenges it brings. i would suggest that you talk to your doctor, so together you can plan an exercise program that takes your medications and conditions into account. the good news? almost all medical conditions are benefited by exercise, and by losing weight. and here on this site you will get a crucial component to successful lifestyle change; encouragement, motivation and tons of support. :) i wish you well, and remember, smart choices!
  • vastra
    vastra Posts: 36
    Hi. I have fibro too (among a few other things) and have to take lots of different medication, I have put on loads of weight because of my tablets, and inability to exercise because of FMS/CFS etc, but I joined up here a few days ago and am amazed by the support and encouragement I have had! There are quite a few other people around with similar conditions too which is great!
    I'm sure you will soon settle in and be on your way to reaching your goals.

    As far as exercising goes, and depending on how bad your fibro is, just try to keep moving as much as possible, I know it can be hard sometimes but even just walking around the house, up and down the stairs, down the garden etc can help. Don't try anything too strenuous to begin with, start with as much walking as you can manage and build it up slowly.

    Feel free to add me. Good luck! :)
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you watcherll! I will definitely be in close contact with my doctors as i start becoming more active!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Welcome! I don't take medications, but I understand the struggle with weight! Joining MFP is a great first step towards becoming a healthier you. Just take it one step at a time and your life will improve!

    Feel free to friend me! I love to encourage and be encouraged.
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you Vastra, it is really nice to hear someone who has fibromyalgia who is also working towards a weight loss goal. I have pretty bad fibro, so some days if i do to much I end up being carried to bed by my big younger brother in tears, but most days my pain is at a 4 or 5 out of 10 so im functioning pretty well. You really nailed the difficulty of even walking up stairs even in your own home. It's nice to not feel so alone in my struggle! Best wishes <3
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you, shydaisi! I will definitely friend you :]
  • tifanietiberio
    tifanietiberio Posts: 76 Member
    well, you are obviously an amazing and strong person to even make the decision to get yourself to where you want to be! And more than that, the fact that you have put yourself out there to a group of strangers and opened up and asked for guidance and support shows how brave and strong you really are. so obviously, you are going to rock this!

    feel free to read my story and add me as a friend. it took me a very long time to get to a place where i realized i deserved to be the best and happiest person i could be and even longer to figure out how to even begin to get there. but i PROMISE- you found the right group of people to help you every step of the way!

    best of luck! can't wait to see your first before and after pics!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Alex, I just want to say that if that is you in your profile picture you are already very pretty. I understand that you want to eat better to get healthy, but I thought I would just tell you that.

    It is great you are finding support from those with the same condition! I cannot relate to that, but you can feel free to friend me if you just want some generic support! :D
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you so much tifanietiberio! You are too kind! and you look great!
  • SmartAlex999
    thank you morkiemama you are very sweet <3
  • peggles48
    You are amazing! I agree with everyone else that responded , just have 1 thing to add. You may want to ask your doctor about liquid vitamins. I have thyroid disease and something else the docs can't figure out and liquid vitamins make the world of difference.
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you all so much for your feedback! You have all truly changed my attitude about loosing weight! I can't tell you how much all your support means to me! I wish you all the best and success in your weight loss goals <3
  • SmartAlex999
    Thank you living4Him2, I will make sure to bring up liquid vitamins next time i see my doctors!