What should i do?

edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
I just turned 20 on the 23rd and tired of being overweight. But not sure how to lessen the amount of junkfood when a friend loving with me always buys tons.What should I do????


  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    "loving" with you? I don't understand....
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    a friend loving with me

  • Has to be "living". Takes willpower & determination - that's tough.
  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    I just turned 20 too (on the 21st). It's about avoiding it or just eating very small amounts of junk food. You need to make over your eating habits. No one buying junk food should throw you off if you completely reform your outlook and count your calories.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    it's your life, take control.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm going with you mean "living with you"...

    A few thoughts...

    *ask the friend to keep the junk food in her room
    *put a lock on one of the cabinets where only roommate has the combination or key and junk food goes in there
    *hate to say it, but willpower...get healthy snacks to keep around (fruit, etc.) and choose that more than you choose the other junky stuff.

    Eventually your body will likely stop craving the junk...or when you do indulge you find that you really can't eat as much without feeling sick/gross. I know I can still eat some things I used to love, but after a couple of bites I'm done. My palate has changed.
  • Jacksonsmomma2211
    Jacksonsmomma2211 Posts: 52 Member
    It's mostly going to be about self-control. My husband buys snacks and junk food all the time. It can be really hard but you have to fight the craving. I drink water every time I have cravings and try to buy myself snacks that are good for me when those moments hit. Protein bars help with that too! Just set your mind to it and you can fight it. Good Luck!!! :happy:
  • Can you ask the person living with you to limit the junk they buy? Or ask them to hide it, so you are not tempted. You are going to have to have a lot of willpower and determination not to eat it.
  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    Just try to keep reminding yourself of how good you will feel once the weight starts coming off! Maybe stick a photo or a motivational quote on the fridge or the cupboard where all the naughties are to remind you not to eat them X :flowerforyou:
    If you need supprt feel free to add me and i will be glad to oblige!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Honestly, you can't change you until YOU make the decision to do so. There is ALWAYS going to be temptation around you. You've got to educate yourself on what's good for you and what will help you reach your goals.

    So, start by setting some goals for yourself, maybe small ones. Maybe, don't drink soda at first and drink more water. Then try to eat less fried food and more baked/steamed food instead, then maybe try to eat less sugar and more wholesome foods, try to eat more veggies.

    This is a great link, that helped me switch to healthier eating:


    I like this "diet" because it makes small changes over a couple of months and you get to focus on one or two small goals at a time.

    The biggest thing is that you keep logging - it keeps you accountable - don't beat yourself on bad days - they WILL happen. Just keep logging and keep moving forward and keep looking towards that long term goal. You didn't become unhealthy/overweight in a few days, it will take months of eating right to get to be the you that you want to be.

    But again, first step, DECIDE THAT THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT. Once you make up your mind, you can do it. People all around you are going to have birthdays, get married, get promotions, want you to eat out, go to the movies, you know have a life and it all seems to revolve around food and most of it won't help you reach your goals - so enjoy those moments in moderation and control the moments that you can. Pack healthy lunches, get up early enough to make a good breakfast.

    As far as your roommate that buys junk - you can't change those around you - only yourself. Yes, it will be hard, yes you may not get alot of support from family/friends at first. But stick with it.

    Just go and buy your own healthy snacks and learn to say NO to the unhealthies. Once those around you see how committed you are, THEN they might start helping out and being a little more supportive. In the mean time, you'll need a good dose of will power to stay away from old temptations and keep yourself full on fiber and protein and lots and lots and lots of water.

    Best of luck! Make lots of pals on this site as they will help you and support you when you need it!!! :D
  • girard5
    girard5 Posts: 109 Member
    Have you talked with your roomate about your feelings? If not i would recommed doing so. You may find out that your roomate wants to eat healthier as well and having the support of eeachother might help you both. If not you may ask that they keep their unhealthy snacks in their room or a cabinet that belongs to them and then I would recommend buying healthy snacks and foods and keep the fridge/cabinets stocked with those items. cutting healthy fruits and veggies up ahead of time helps also for when you are on the go or when you need a quick snack and may help you from reaching for those unhealthy choices.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Portion control and the ability to say "no thank you" should take you very far. Be sure to balance the junk with healthy food. Be careful of sodium. Drink lots of water and try your best to get your daily value of potassium (it's harder than you think). Best of luck! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • My husband is a snacker, as well. I put all of his unhealthy snacks in the pantry, and place all of my healthy snacks in a separate cabinet. However, he has been willing to make concessions, such as turkey bacon and 1% milk (Couldn't get him to do skim, but 1% is a nice compromise between skim and 2%). This seems to help. Plus, the results I am getting makes a HUGE difference in motivation:) GOOD LUCK!
  • orleansmith
    orleansmith Posts: 60 Member
    I know it can be difficult, especially in the beginning. Maybe there is a cabinet for all the junk food that you can avoid? If it's not sitting in the open or in a place you go to often, maybe it will be easier to resist (out of sight, out of mind). And instead, keep snack packs of prepared, cut up fruits and veg that would be easily seen when you want a nibble. If it's easy to grab and eat, you might not be tempted to say it's too much work and go for the junk.
  • Willpower. Make your own meals. My housemate had pasta with cheese in it for dinner last night whilst I stuck to my Lite N Easy meal. It sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • cxr1313
    cxr1313 Posts: 1
    Buy your own snacks. I buy snacks for my kids and I buy my own snacks that are low calories. If I see them snacking, I get a chocolate fiber bar or 100 calorie cookies etc. I avoid the temptations like that.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I always repeat this phrase as I walk by the bowl of chocolate and taffy on my co-worker's desk: "Nothing tastes as good as being thin and healthy feels".
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I just turned 20 too (on the 21st). It's about avoiding it or just eating very small amounts of junk food. You need to make over your eating habits. No one buying junk food should throw you off if you completely reform your outlook and count your calories.
    Wouldn't that be 22 on 21? I'm foncused...
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