Hi! Aiming for 12% Body fat by October!

Hi Guys! nice to meet you all.

My name is Clint and I just got back here after a long time. I settled on another calorie tracking app since I started dieting but I'm going back to My fitness pal since I want to track my workout AND my diet all in one app.

I'm looking forward to meet new people and have some discussions with people online regarding general-intermediate fitness!

12% Body Fat is definitely very difficult to achieve. I started at 25% ish during February, and now I'm down to 17.5.

So I'm looking for active/helpful members in this forum that can motivate and discuss each other's fitness goals.

Nice to meet you all!


  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    awesome goal man, go for it!
  • KevinWH87
    KevinWH87 Posts: 74 Member
    Good luck!
  • Bodyopus
    Bodyopus Posts: 25 Member
    Good luck man! I started out at about 30% bf. Now down to 17 and going for 12. I think you’ll hit your goal before October.
  • TheClintHennesy
    TheClintHennesy Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks guys! I do think it's possible, but I really wanna make sure I don't hit a plateau! Haha. It's like at the too of my "Greatest Fears" list right now. 🤣
  • Naturally_Monica
    Naturally_Monica Posts: 335 Member
    Wish you the best of luck! A goal like that is super intimidating, but it seems like you are already invested and dedicated to achieving your goal.