Weight Loss Journey

Hey everyone! I'm new to the online site but have been using the app on my phone. I've been on my journey now for 5 weeks on saturday and have already lost 14 lbs.!! I'm so excited. I've tried to lose weight before but of course failed. I really believe this time is different because I just got up one day and said I have to live a healthy lifestyle and the next day I started! My starting weight was 253.6 lbs at 5' 3" and as of today I'm am at 239.4 lbs. My goal weight is 170 and unlike all my failed attempts I'm not trying to rush the weight off. I finally understand that it will take time to get there. SO thanks for reading and good luck to you as well on your journeys!


  • mynamesdiane
    mynamesdiane Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck :D you can do this & great job on the first of many pounds you will lose ;)
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Good luck XD
  • karijoy
    karijoy Posts: 2
    Awesome work! I am in the same weight range as you and just joined MFP---you are inspiring me! I can't wait to see how my next five weeks will go. Nice work!
  • dashbeaujippers
    dashbeaujippers Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome, and great job! I have lost 22 lbs since june 21st, and am also thrilled! I have never lost that much weight in the past, and I don't feel like I am starving, or doing this just for a short period. I am in this for the long haul, and if u r too, feel free to friend me. We can help motivate each other...
  • HisBeloved65
    Good luck to you...even though it has nothing to do with luck :-) its hard work and it does take time but you can do this! The website is amazing and the support is incredible. I hope this is a great tool for you to get to your goal.
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    welcome and congrats! you can do this! add me as a friend if you wish!