Here I go again .

dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
edited December 21 in Getting Started
Im starting again for what seems like the 20th time. 32/f/270ish/5'8 severe bipolar take duloxetine and 650mg Seroquel and blood pressure medication.. I'm looking for friends who deal with similar issues or who are starting again. Also, needs some tips that will help me. :)


  • mcw1976
    mcw1976 Posts: 47 Member
    I feel you on the starting over again and again Everytime I start, I seem to have a health issue or injury (4 surgeries since 2008). My only issue right now is high blood pressure (taking medication) and lack of ambition to work out. I'm at about 330lbs now. The doctor told me the obvious ... lose weight and the BP might go down.
  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    Mcw1976, yeah it will go down after losing some weight..I went from 225 to 150 pounds when I was 18-20yrs old and my blood pressure went to the low end, actually too low I think because when I would bend over I would feel light-headed. I Iwould like to be off blood pressure medication too but it is working well for me for the time being. I worry about diabetes because Seroquel and meds like it can contribute to diabetes and diabetes runs in my family.
  • kclemmn
    kclemmn Posts: 2 Member
    James Prochaska is world renowned for the work he has done to address lifestyle change. Prochaska simply states that people don't succeed in lasting lifestyle changse because people don't know how to change. He also states people give up trying because you are discouraged. He also is an advocate of support groups.
    To succeed at making lasting lifestyle change work it's important first and foremost to know why change is important to you. Three golden nuggets I give to people is a place inside of you, where you know, feel and believe that change will transform your life fore the better. So get started. Write down all the reasons you want to change. Here are a few of mine: I want to look and feel better. I don't want to spend money on pills and doctor visits. I remember what it looks and feels like to ....... I want to live a long, life. I want to outlive my children. Get it?
    To succeed you reasons need to be ingrained in you being.
    At the beginning of each day and throughout the day pause to remember why you lifestyle change is important to you. This is called mindfulness. Also, become aware of one small thing you can do today that will move you closer to living your dreams. Then consider that one small thing you would like to be able to tell my you did better next week this time. Now get busy and do it. Don't beat up on yourself when you don't succeed, simply remind yourself that you are teaching yourself new habits. Then do it again. These small steps will begin to pay off when in a few weeks you can see the results of your efforts. Don't give up...look for things you learn about yourself each time you come up short. This is how we change old habits into new ones. This is enough information for today.
    Please come back to tell me how this worked for you and get affirmation and continued encouragement.We'll get into more later but see what changes if when you just these few simple things.

    By the way. My name is Kathryn.

  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks for the support guys. I posted before pics on my FB with my weight.
  • illusion1991
    illusion1991 Posts: 1 Member
    Im starting again for what seems like the 20th time. 32/f/270ish/5'8 severe bipolar take duloxetine and 650mg Seroquel and blood pressure medication.. I'm looking for friends who deal with similar issues or who are starting again. Also, needs some tips that will help me. :)

    I'm the same height but just under 225lbs. On the bipolar 'spectrum' but I'd fit type 1 so I take seroquel xr 250mg and lamotrigine 75mg and I take them religiously because I can't afford to get sick again.
    I know where my weight has come from (poor life choices while I've been very sick and being blinded by excuses I made up to justify myself) but even sitting on calories in avg 1300 and calories out avg 2200, I'm barely budging weight at all. I've lost 44lbs in 6 months and
    If you look up a youtube video from Tracey Marks, she explains in lamens terms why antipsychotics give you the HELLA munchies and why it's so hard to burn calories because of chemicals released and turning off other parts of the brain etc I'm not an expert.
    But I've the understanding that with that much of a deficit I should be shedding weight faster. And I'm at a loss to figure out how to speed this up when I've just entered a desk job full time and don't have time to do my hour walks because by the time I finish work, I take my seroquel and that's it, nothing for the rest of the evening.

    Any advice is more than welcome because this is a hard road to conquer especially when you have a mental illness that absolutely wrecks motivation most days
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Welcome to the community! <3

    If you haven't already, read the stickies at the top of the getting started forum. Very informative and helpful.

    Good luck with your journey!
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