Working more, exercising less?

I was wondering about work, other than walking around waiting on people 6-8hrs a day, I don't really exercise, but my pedometer always ends up with 10,000+ steps, and that usually says I've lost like 1,000+ calories (based on my weight, of course), how does that figure in with a 1,780 calorie diet?


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Where do you have your activity level set? It sounds like you should have it set to at least lightly active if not active. If this is set appropriately, then it will already be added into your daily intake.
  • wearystar
    wearystar Posts: 72 Member
    i got yelled at for asking the same question.
    apparently work isn't exercise, but your life style so adjust your lifestyle setting accordingly like hroush^ said.
  • i got yelled at for asking the same question.
    apparently work isn't exercise, but your life style so adjust your lifestyle setting accordingly like hroush^ said.

    Lol, bullcrap work isn't exercise, as much lifting and running about I do, I should be toothpick sized >.< But yeah, I changed my profile from "sedative" to "active", you shouldn't have gotten yelled at, I think it's a valid question o_0

    Anyways! Thank you both :) That helps me!
  • Actually, I do have one more question to the fact, usually on my days off I don't really do anything, except maybe go to the mall, I was thinking maybe it would be more beneficial to change my activity by how much I'm doing for the day, so like today, besides cleaning my room, taking out the trash, and going to the farmer's market (possibly) later, I have it set to sedative.

    Is it beneficial to change your activity level based on what you're day is like? Instead of work an 8hr non-stop shift my intake would need to be more, so "active", where instead of being off and mostly being a couch potato, it should be "sedative". I hope I'm making sense... >____<