Uh, whats up? New to this entire scene

I'm completely new to this all. Watching what I eat, tracking calories, exercising the works. I never worried about my weight until recently. I dated a guy for six months and it was great, we ate out and had a blast, 2 months in, I noticed I was a little chubbier then what I started out with. Weeks later I was even bigger. My flat stomach was a bowl of pudding. My boyfriend at the time actually was pressuring me to lose weight. He would'nt see me unless I promised to work out. A few pounds later we broke up. Its been about 6 months from the breakup and I started my first 7 months ago. Between the stress, depression, and even more stress from school I gained a good amount. My mother, number one cause of this, did not help at all. She, was about 250 pounds and trying to lose weight. She stopped cooking dinner, and was out every night either at weight watchers or the gym. She would leave it up to my father to feed us. I know I'm acting like a child but whats a 17 old girl with no car suppose to eat? Fast food. 7 Straight months of fastfood. Now. I'm sitting here at 160 pounds needing to lose 40 pounds asap. My own mother comments on my weight daily. "Oh, your legs look like tree trunks" and constant pointing out of my weight by my family. Its totally awful. I just wanted to share a bit of my story, to I don't know motivate me a little bit.

Any tips would be fantastic. I just want my old self again. I can't bring myself to even leave the house and I cry when I have to find something of mine that actually fits to were. The thought of having to buy new cloths because I've let myself go just horrify me.

Haha sorry its so long. So yeah, any tips on how to go about even just staying on track, please please let me know!


  • jbhappywife
    First off, I'm really sorry to hear your family is being really awful to you. My dad was like that, pressuring me and such and commenting on my weight, and it sucks.

    BUT you have hope, because you have found a really awesome place. This website, if you stick to it like it says, will help you lose in no time. I have lost 14lbs since the beginning of the summer and I feel so amazing!

    I, too, gained weight after beginning a relationship. Then we were engaged and I noticed that wow i've gained weight over the last 2 years, and I want to be the girl he met and fell in love with again! So I began to work out, but that wasnt enough. So my friend introduced me to this website and it's been awesome.

    My biggest thing was portion control. I used to eat and eat and eat and EAT until i was disgustingly full. That wasn't fun at all, but i kept doing it. Once I was on this website, and found out how many calories were in my huge portions, I cut way down. Its like a game for me to keep under my calories. But you feel hungry for a long time. But once your stomach aligns with the smaller portions, its so much easier. Also water is SO important.

    Hope this helps :) Good luck to you!!!
  • overachieving
    Sorry to hear you're having a rough time, my family is totally like that too. I have never successfully lost weight (or changed my lifestyle) until I moved out of my parents house, so I get that it can be tough at home. I started in July and I've lost 17 pounds so far.

    It really helps to write it all down. If it's easy to keep track of, there's something satisfying about it all balancing out (reaching your net goal).

    I read the "Success Stories" topic for motivation. There are so many amazing and inspirational stories on MFP. And seeing my friends exercise and status updates also keeps me going because I always find support in what I'm doing.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you're looking for support :)
  • kiwilvzteddy
    kiwilvzteddy Posts: 2 Member
    This woman makes a lot of sense and helped to motivate me big time


    Its not spam I swear and safe to check out! :) Good luck and take care
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    Hey. I'm new here, too. Just wanted to say a couple of things about your post. But first let me say that I can totally relate to your story. I moved out of my parents when I was 17 with my boyfriend. Once that happened my life style changed drastically. Before, I used to have to walk EVERYWHERE because I had no ride. I rarely eat out. I hardly ever drank soda (I usually had milk with every meal.) And I partied frequently! I was 115lbs then. I gained my first 60lbs right around graduation. Gained it so fast that there was actually a rumor going around school that I was pregnant! LOL. Not true!!! Now, 13 and 1/2 years later, married with two children I am a whopping 216lbs. I've done everything to lose this(3 years of martial arts, weight lifting with a personal trainer, etc.) EXCEPT watch my calories. Now I'm going to have my second embelical hernia surgery and the doctor is telling me I gotta lose weight! (Duh!) Hence, me signing up for myfitnesspal. Anyway...

    That guy you were dating was an A-hole. If he was't willing to stick with you cause you gained a few pounds then he wasn't worth your time anyway. Shallow basterds like that should be lynched.

    Tell your Mom to lighten up. I would ask her if she would've liked it if someone pointed out her thunder thighs and muffin top on a daily basis. Seriously though. Maybe she could take you with her to the gym and to weight watchers meetings with her instead of making a spectacle out of you? Geez...

    As for fast food.... It's not hell spawn... REALLY!!! You just have to make better selections on what you eat. Every place (well, almost) now has a healthy options menu. I know it's very hard to resist the temptation of ordering your favorite (insert high calorie food item here) but WE CAN DO IT!!!! Add me as your friend! I'd love to suport you!!!