Skinny Cow icecream.

Skinny Cow icecream sandwiches are so good. You can't even tell it's "low fat or healthier" as they claim to be.. Anyway, I just had one about an hour ago & I'm feeling kind of guilty -___- Yikes. Oh well can't be too hard on myself right? Has anyone had skinny cow icecream at night & gained from this? Some people told me to drop the skinny cow, there just as bad as any other icecream. Hmm lol..

My diary is open to view for anyone's feed back :)


  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    I love the ice cream sandwiches! They are addictive! Anyway, you shouldn't feel guilty as long as it is not something you consume frequently. And I highly doubt you will gain overnight from an ice cream sandwich. You stayed under your caloric limits, you should be fine.
    i love skinny cow. have never gained the day after eating one. i love ice cream and that was one of the reasons i gained soo much weight becus i ate ice cream almost every day. so now that im on here i like to have my ice cream fix and i like skinny cow or ww ice cream or jamba juice yogurt bars.
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 333 Member
    I love them but tend to only buy them about once every 4-6 weeks because if there are in the house I am weak.
  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    I haven't eaten them, but when I looked at them when I was at the store I thought that they were still high or the same as other ice cream..... I have been doign the soft serve vanilla ice cream cone from Arctic Cricle. It is only 137 calories and I love them!! It has not changed my weight loss.
  • mommajdawg
    mommajdawg Posts: 57 Member
    I love Skinny Cow and would not give them up for anything! I count the calories and enjoy my Ice cream !
  • ladolcevita26
    ladolcevita26 Posts: 9 Member
    I *LOVE* the Strawberry Cheesecake and Cookies n Cream cups. And the Mint Truffle bar is to die for. I only eat them once a month or so not because of the calories but because I heard they contain a lot of artificial sweetners/alcohols that aren't good for you.
  • sexi_new_me
    i actually compared the calories,sugars, and calories from fat on the back to Great Value Ice Cream Sandwhiches..Skinny Cow had MORE i was soo upset but they r soo good :)
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    skinny cow ice cream is awesome :) buuuut if you want to break it down and do some more research for yourself--- --- you can find nutritional facts, and if you want COUPONS :) lol :flowerforyou:
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Skinny Cow icecream sandwiches are so good. You can't even tell it's "low fat or healthier" as they claim to be.. Anyway, I just had one about an hour ago & I'm feeling kind of guilty -___- Yikes. Oh well can't be too hard on myself right? Has anyone had skinny cow icecream at night & gained from this? Some people told me to drop the skinny cow, there just as bad as any other icecream. Hmm lol..

    My diary is open to view for anyone's feed back :)

    I have been known to eat a whole box at night and still lose weight. I think you will be just fine.