Looking For New Friends

Hey, everyone! In 2012 I lost 130 pounds. I went from a weight of 285 to 155 through dedicated tracking and exercise. I discover 155 was too low for me, and I purposely added 20 pounds. Well, 20 pounds quickly turned into 40 and I am currently sitting at 195. I am looking to lose 25 to 30 pounds and would love to add some friends on here to encourage and for encouragement. If you would like to be friends, please shoot me a friend request and I will be more than happy to add you.


  • katwaineo
    katwaineo Posts: 13 Member
    Hey! I’m brand new here myself and need all the motivation I can get. Adding you 😊
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Enter your food diary daily and keep tracking your calories, try to do small exercises. Keep active yourself. All the best!!