Daily weighing, your take?

Good Afternoon,

I was curious about how many of you guys daily weigh and do you guys find it more motivating when you do it. When I started on May 11th, 2019, I decided to weigh and track my progress in the iPhone notes app daily, and I've found it motivating and rewarding in my own opinion. But, I'm currently deciding whether to stop daily weighing after this Sunday and start weekly weighing. My thoughts of doing this are waiting to see that big jump in weight loss instead of pound by pound over the span of a week. I'm intrigued by what you guys do; let me know! If that's daily weighing, weekly, or even monthly, let me know your reason as well!

Thank You.



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I like daily weighing. It helped me learn how different things affect my body, like excess sodium or carbs, sore muscles, sunburn, alcohol, travel, etc, etc.

  • Melh1969
    Melh1969 Posts: 29 Member
    I find that I need as much accountability as possible to keep me on track. By skipping things like logging my food and weighing in daily, it gets a little to easy to backslide. These are habits that I have built into my day and take up so little time that its no big deal, but it keeps me honest with myself and keeps my goals always in the forefront of my mind.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,627 Member
    I've done both. I like to weigh every day for the most part, though it was disturbing at first to see the scale going up. I like the data. I plateaued for all of April and stopped weighing every day and went to weekly. I've gone back to weighing every day now that the scale is moving again. I use a weight trend app that shows the trend of going down. It helps to see it on gain days.
  • JohnDaConqueror
    JohnDaConqueror Posts: 52 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    I've done both. I like to weigh every day for the most part, though it was disturbing at first to see the scale going up. I like the data. I plateaued for all of April and stopped weighing every day and went to weekly. I've gone back to weighing every day now that the scale is moving again. I use a weight trend app that shows the trend of going down. It helps to see it on gain days.

    Thanks for the reply. Do you mind giving me the name of the app?
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    It's just habit for me. I am a data geek anyways.
  • deetails26
    deetails26 Posts: 108 Member
    I weigh daily so instead of weekly seeing an occasional bump and thinking I was so good all week and how could that be, etc. I can see how certain things affect me on a daily basis. Oh the scale went up a lb? Well I had a lot of sodium yesterday or something along that line and it should come off tomorrow. Its a lot easier to re-focus when I see it as a daily fix, rather than a weekly one, if that makes sense. In other words, it's just easier for me to stay focused that way and not get discouraged.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I tried it and it stressed me out. I found if I gained a little the rest of the day I couldn't stay on track. I know lots of folks do it and swear it helps but I guess I'm just too paranoid. I weigh weekly though no excuses.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited May 2019
    Good Afternoon,

    I was curious about how many of you guys daily weigh and do you guys find it more motivating when you do it. When I started on May 11th, 2019, I decided to weigh and track my progress in the iPhone notes app daily, and I've found it motivating and rewarding in my own opinion. But, I'm currently deciding whether to stop daily weighing after this Sunday and start weekly weighing. My thoughts of doing this are waiting to see that big jump in weight loss instead of pound by pound over the span of a week. I'm intrigued by what you guys do; let me know! If that's daily weighing, weekly, or even monthly, let me know your reason as well!

    Thank You.


    Download libra! You will love it! (It's a weight trend app)
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I like to weigh daily, I feel like it helps me keep accountable to myself. I do so with the full understanding that weight loss is not linear, and sometimes my weight will go up and sometimes down and sometimes will even stay the same, but as long as the overall trend is going down, then I am okay with it.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    I weigh every morning, naked, after bathroom, before food or drink. It removes as many variables as possible. Then I add the number to my weight trend app, libra so that I can focus on the overall trend that my weight is on rather than today's weird fluctuation. I don't get too fussed about any one measurement and I find that the more often and accurately I measure, the better I am able to predict the consequences of my actions.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I like to weigh daily to stay accountable to myself. I tried weekly weighing, but sometimes I would be caught off guard by the number going up or staying the same. Daily weighing helps me better anticipate my "official" Friday weight and also better understand daily fluctuations and everything that feeds into those. I use Happy Scale on iOS to see the overall trend.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I used to weigh weekly, had to switch to daily. Weekly you may be taking your measurement during an outlier and not realize, and thus mask/exaggerate your progress. I found this annoyed me too much, so I switched to daily weigh, then record the weekly average on MFP check-in.

    I weigh daily, after morning workout, after bathroom trip, but before I eat or drink. I have found that on weekends I weigh less than weekdays. I'm thinking this is because I wake up later and thus more time between final meal the night before and the time I weigh in, but who knows.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I think you should drop it, daily weigh ins can fluctuate with things that are beyond your control. Water retention, time of day, bowel movements etc all these things will affect the results.
    Weekly you get a better picture of actual loses and gains

    Not necessarily. What if your weigh in day happens to be a day when you are experiencing a fluctuation of some sort? Water retention or whatever..

    Personally, I weigh in 3 or 4 times per week at the gym under the same circumstances for the most part. If one weighs in daily or multiple times per week, it helps to do this without emotional attachment to the results. This is where a weight trending app comes in handy. Log the data and let it go. Check your overall trend every couple of weeks and take a longer view.

    A person can be doing everything right and still see fluctuations with daily weigh-ins or weekly weigh- ins. It's not what happens on the scale in a day or a week that matters. It is the trend over time.
  • nchrty
    nchrty Posts: 57 Member
    I weigh every day and log food every day. Keeps me accountable. I am at my goal weight and have been for many years. It is because I weigh and log every day. I started out at 189 lbs 10 years ago so I know how bad things can get if I don't keep a close eye on myself.
  • HollyPFlax
    HollyPFlax Posts: 79 Member
    Weighing daily produces a larger set of data points, making it more accurate. I find that this works well for me because I have cut my emotional ties to my weight during my years of weight loss. I now know that I can lose weight easily if the scale weight starts trending up too quickly.

    Seeing the daily water weight fluctuation can be very upsetting for some people. In that case, I would recommend doing it less often and trusting the calorie deficit process.
  • nooboots
    nooboots Posts: 480 Member
    I must say, its been a real eye opener for me reading some of the posts on here that daily weighing can help you overcome the anxiety about the ups and downs that all bodies have.

    As a life long dieter and as a life long person who is and has been always overweight, one of the difficulties is the high experienced when weight loss is seen (which has a tendency to make me overeat in either celebration or complacency) and then the low when weight gain is seen (which has a tendency to make me overeat as its all gone wrong or its not worth it, its never going to work blah blah blah)

    I have found it really interesting about the swings in weight that 'normal weight' people experience, either after exercise, injury, flights, water absence, water overload etc etc, whatever the cause.

    Im not brave enough yet to do daily weighing. We got back from a holiday last sunday where I went 3.5k calories over my maintenance for the week and have chosen to give it 2 weeks after getting back to normal to get rid of the water weight (which was substantial as i couldnt get my shoes on) and any weight I might have genuinely put on.

    We also did a lot of cycling (for me) while we were away which we are not accustomed to and I suspect that where all my joints and back were sore was probably more water weight if what I have read about muscle repair is accurate.

    So next weigh in 9th June (I nearly gave in today) and then I might see if I can over come this anxiety by daily weighing.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I think daily weighing can be very useful to get a better understanding of scale fluctuations and what causes them in your body. I don't personally do them because it's one more thing to track and my brain still has that knee-jerk reaction to not like an increase, even when I'm trending down. I weigh monthly, but that requires really trusting the process of logging and being honest about everything you're eating and any exercise you're doing. There's no "check" early on that would show you're heading off track, whereas a daily weigh would start to show that trend earlier (after a couple weeks to establish a trend.